L.217 Total Mortgages (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2020 2021 2022 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2022 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 Line
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 16789.7 18062.1 19334.0 17638.6 18062.1 18325.3 18741.5 19065.7 19334.0 1
All sectors; one-to-four-family residential mortgages; asset FL893065105 11651.5 12542.9 13365.3 12276.0 12542.9 12698.5 12975.2 13200.6 13365.3 2
All sectors; multifamily residential mortgages; asset FL893065405 1754.6 1884.9 2047.1 1836.4 1884.9 1925.1 1967.0 2007.2 2047.1 3
All sectors; commercial mortgages; asset FL893065505 3095.0 3310.1 3572.5 3210.9 3310.1 3371.3 3462.7 3515.1 3572.5 4
All sectors; farm mortgages; asset FL893065603 288.6 324.3 349.1 315.3 324.3 330.4 336.6 342.8 349.1 5
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 16789.7 18062.1 19334.0 17638.6 18062.1 18325.3 18741.5 19065.7 19334.0 6
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; liability FL153165005 11179.1 12015.5 12778.2 11763.4 12015.5 12153.3 12412.1 12622.6 12778.2 7
Nonfinancial business; total mortgages; liability FL143165005 5384.6 5799.0 6292.6 5666.6 5799.0 5919.4 6072.8 6179.3 6292.6 8
Nonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; liability FL103165005 912.7 1037.4 1207.7 1001.6 1037.4 1073.1 1130.5 1167.9 1207.7 9
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total mortgages; liability FL113165005 4471.9 4761.6 5084.9 4665.1 4761.6 4846.3 4942.2 5011.5 5084.9 10
Federal government; multifamily residential mortgages; liability FL313165403 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11
Equity real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FL123165005 226.1 247.6 263.2 208.6 247.6 252.6 256.7 263.8 263.2 12
All sectors; total mortgages; asset FL893065005 16789.7 18062.1 19334.0 17638.6 18062.1 18325.3 18741.5 19065.7 19334.0 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; asset FL153065005 80.5 86.6 84.8 85.2 86.6 86.3 85.5 85.2 84.8 14
Nonfinancial corporate business; total mortgages; asset FL103065003 44.4 51.1 58.8 49.4 51.1 52.9 54.8 56.8 58.8 15
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total mortgages; asset FL113065005 55.0 58.7 62.6 58.0 58.7 59.9 61.0 61.8 62.6 16
Federal government; total mortgages; asset FL313065005 127.2 133.1 168.0 131.5 133.1 134.9 138.2 143.1 168.0 17
Federal government; total mortgages held by Ginnie Mae; asset FL313065015 2.3 2.0 23.2 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 23.2 18
Federal government; total mortgages Federal Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), excluding one-to-four-family residential mortgages held by the Federal Financing Bank; asset (2) FL313065075 108.3 111.7 116.0 110.3 111.7 112.2 113.3 114.0 116.0 19
Federal government; total mortgages held by FHA; asset FL313065035 16.6 19.5 28.7 19.2 19.5 20.9 23.1 27.3 28.7 20
Federal government; total mortgages held by FDIC; asset FL313065065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21
Federal government; total mortgages held by Federal Financing Bank, Public Housing Administration (PHA), RTC, and VA; asset (3) FL313065095 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22
State and local governments; total mortgages; asset FL213065005 261.4 269.0 276.6 267.1 269.0 270.9 272.8 274.7 276.6 23
Private depository institutions; total mortgages; asset FL703065005 5741.1 5952.1 6492.6 5845.7 5952.1 5947.9 6162.8 6350.5 6492.6 24
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total mortgages; asset FL763065005 5027.1 5172.1 5689.6 5094.2 5172.1 5238.0 5419.8 5575.3 5689.6 25
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; total mortgages; asset FL753065005 81.0 91.1 105.3 83.8 91.1 94.9 99.2 102.6 105.3 26
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; total mortgages; asset FL743065003 22.9 21.4 21.7 21.8 21.4 21.3 21.3 21.7 21.7 27
Credit unions; one-to-four-family residential mortgages; asset FL473065100 610.1 667.5 675.9 645.9 667.5 593.8 622.4 650.8 675.9 28
Property-casualty insurance companies; commercial mortgages, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset FL513065505 24.3 27.7 30.4 26.4 27.7 29.5 30.2 30.6 30.4 29
Life insurance companies; total mortgages; asset FL543065005 644.7 690.9 741.4 673.0 690.9 708.1 722.9 730.6 741.4 30
Private pension funds; total mortgages; asset FL573065005 24.4 24.8 25.0 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.9 25.0 25.0 31
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; total mortgages; asset FL223065043 7.0 6.9 7.5 7.0 6.9 6.7 6.4 7.4 7.5 32
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages; asset FL403065005 6142.5 6924.1 7323.8 6736.7 6924.1 7110.2 7206.0 7274.2 7323.8 33
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages held by Fannie Mae (includes all GSEs before 2000:Q4); asset FL403065015 3589.9 3899.0 4075.6 3833.2 3899.0 3989.5 4039.7 4058.7 4075.6 34
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages held by Freddie Mac; asset FL403065025 2328.0 2789.8 3003.0 2673.4 2789.8 2883.3 2925.5 2972.6 3003.0 35
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages held by Farm Credit System; asset FL403065045 154.6 171.4 179.8 166.0 171.4 173.4 176.0 178.1 179.8 36
Government-sponsored enterprises; total mortgages held by FHLB; asset FL403065035 62.8 55.5 56.3 56.1 55.5 55.5 55.8 56.1 56.3 37
Government-sponsored enterprises; farm mortgages held by Farmer Mac; asset FL403065653 7.3 8.3 9.0 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.9 8.8 9.0 38
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset FL413065005 2428.3 2501.8 2687.9 2474.7 2501.8 2534.7 2583.8 2637.4 2687.9 39
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages held in a Ginnie Mae pool; asset FL413065015 2103.4 2149.2 2337.1 2125.6 2149.2 2182.3 2229.4 2284.5 2337.1 40
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages held in a Freddie Mac pool; asset FL413065025 318.7 346.7 345.1 343.4 346.7 346.6 348.6 347.1 345.1 41
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages held in a Fannie Mae pool; asset FL413065045 5.3 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 42
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; farm mortgages held in a Farmer Mac pool; asset FL413065653 0.9 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 43
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages held in a Federal Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) pool, excluding one-to-four-family residential mortgages held by the Federal Financing Bank; asset (2) FL413065035 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44
Issuers of asset-backed securities; total mortgages; asset FL673065005 833.3 883.9 895.6 844.6 883.9 898.1 908.5 911.2 895.6 45
Finance companies; total mortgages; asset FL613065000 110.0 104.3 101.0 105.4 104.3 102.9 102.2 101.7 101.0 46
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; asset FL643065005 265.7 347.3 378.2 309.3 347.3 357.5 381.5 375.7 378.2 47


  1. Sum of one-to-four-family residential mortgages (table L.218), multifamily residential mortgages (table L.219), commercial mortgages (table L.220), and farm mortgages (table L.221).
  2. FmHA-guaranteed securities sold to the Federal Financing Bank were reallocated from FmHA mortgage pools to FmHA mortgage holdings in 1986:Q4 because of accounting changes by the Farmers Home Administration.
  3. Other includes Department of Veterans Affairs, Federal Financing Bank, Public Housing Administration, and Resolution Trust Corporation.
Last Update: March 9, 2023