L.108 Domestic Financial Sectors (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2020 2021 2022 2022 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 Line
Domestic financial sectors; total financial assets FL794090005 123186.9 135868.6 127231 133398.6 127055.8 124686.4 127231 131698.2 132994 1
Monetary authority; U.S. official reserve assets FL713011005 33.1 31.2 29.5 30.5 29 27.9 29.5 29.7 29.2 2
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset FL713014003 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 3
Monetary authority; Treasury currency; asset FL713012003 50.5 50.8 51.4 50.8 51 51.2 51.4 51.5 51.7 4
Domestic financial sectors; private foreign deposits FL793091005 21.7 19.4 11.7 23.3 9.2 13.3 11.7 14.5 16.3 5
Domestic financial sectors; net interbank transactions; asset FL794010005 3138.1 3747.5 2780.1 3694.6 3053.3 2965.4 2780.1 3584.3 3405.3 6
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL793020005 704.9 769.6 714 750.2 725.9 700.6 714 698.5 681.8 7
Domestic financial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset FL793030005 735.2 629.9 747 604.2 659.5 696.3 747 796.8 824.2 8
Domestic financial sectors; money market fund shares; asset FL793034005 1056.5 1238.1 1020.1 1188.5 1093.8 1066.4 1020.1 1084.1 1126.5 9
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset FL792050005 3540 4661.9 5427 4582.1 4889.6 5107.8 5427 6128 6047.9 10
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; asset FL794022005 36128.3 38308.9 34011.7 37037.7 35284.9 33779.3 34011.7 34378.5 34399.4 11
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; asset FL793069175 511.2 576.1 720.4 654.5 698.9 694.9 720.4 686.6 664.4 12
Domestic financial sectors; Treasury securities; asset FL793061105 14735.1 15718.4 13932.1 15347.6 14694.7 14017.4 13932.1 13667.6 13913.3 13
Domestic financial sectors; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL793061705 8416.7 8885.5 7923.5 8596.7 8263.7 7867.3 7923.5 8245.3 8027.5 14
Domestic financial sectors; municipal securities; asset FL793062005 2316.5 2470.4 2096.9 2322.5 2207.7 2102 2096.9 2100.5 2078.2 15
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL793063005 10148.9 10658.4 9338.8 10116.5 9420 9097.8 9338.8 9678.4 9716 16
Domestic financial sectors; loans; asset FL794023005 25453.9 27797.5 30294.5 28349.5 29178.9 29791.7 30294.5 30913.9 30690.7 17
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FL793068005 4216.8 4344.8 4905.8 4493 4699.8 4781.8 4905.8 4929.6 4918.9 18
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; asset FL793069005 2271.9 2680.2 3093.9 2812.6 2906.1 3050.2 3093.9 3572.3 3143.2 19
Domestic financial sectors; total mortgages; asset FL793065005 16221.3 17718.2 18943.1 17977.9 18391.4 18704.4 18943.1 19078.5 19230.5 20
Domestic financial sectors; consumer credit; asset FL793066005 2744 3054.3 3351.6 3066 3181.6 3255.3 3351.6 3333.4 3398.2 21
Domestic financial sectors; U.S. direct investment abroad: intercompany debt; asset (market value) LM793092305 7.1 -6.5 -12.4 -13.8 -8.4 -13.6 -12.4 -11.1 -4.4 22
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; asset LM793064105 25954.4 30866.6 24733.5 29115.2 24605.5 22986 24733.5 25959.4 27380.2 23
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; asset (IMA) LM793081115 3953.1 4357.2 4006.7 4220.7 3936.6 3840.9 4006.7 4187.7 4216.2 24
Domestic financial sectors; mutual fund shares; asset LM793064205 7060.8 7628.4 6075.2 7115 6145.5 5776 6075.2 6418.4 6641.1 25
Domestic financial sectors; life insurance reserves; asset FL793040005 516.6 556.1 561 557.9 559.4 561.2 561 566.7 566 26
Life insurance companies; pension entitlements reserve credit from reinsurers; asset FL543050005 291.3 380 484.2 406 432 458 484.2 496.2 501 27
Domestic financial sectors; trade receivables; asset FL793070005 376.3 412.1 438.3 422.4 432.6 432.1 438.3 451.1 463.3 28
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous assets FL793090005 14160 14414.8 15852.4 15258.6 15972.5 16440.6 15852.4 15944.8 15952.3 29
Domestic financial sectors; total liabilities FL794190005 109899.9 120722.2 115789.8 119722.4 115358 114190.4 115789.8 119149.4 120152.7 30
Domestic financial sectors; net interbank transactions; liability FL794110005 3258.2 3955.5 3144.8 3981.1 3310.2 3317.1 3144.8 4100.4 3854.5 31
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; liability FL793120005 9129 9360.3 9776.3 9841.1 10151 10078.6 9776.3 9484.5 9583.4 32
Private depository institutions; total time and savings deposits; liability FL703130005 13679.4 14437.6 13820.5 14544.4 14097.1 13831.3 13820.5 13433.9 13478.2 33
Money market funds; total financial assets FL634090005 4765.9 5205.5 5223.1 5090.7 5032.4 5084.2 5223.1 5692.6 5917.2 34
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; liability FL792150005 2949.4 4682.2 5402.5 4578.3 5024.8 5225.5 5402.5 5817.2 5502.1 35
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; liability FL794122005 14973.9 16036.3 17331 16420.5 16731.1 16899.2 17331 17685.6 17635.3 36
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; liability FL793169175 575.6 491.8 698.3 607.2 651.9 652.8 698.3 663.5 661.7 37
GSEs and agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability FL423161705 10066.5 10679.4 11658.8 10907.4 11175.7 11423.1 11658.8 12021.6 11954.4 38
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL793163005 4331.9 4865.2 4974 4905.8 4903.5 4823.3 4974 5000.5 5019.2 39
Domestic financial sectors; loans; liability FL794123005 2122 2401.3 2769.6 2542.4 2610.5 2677.3 2769.6 2940.8 2730.6 40
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL793168005 380.8 529.8 480.5 483.2 479.3 472.3 480.5 459.9 453.1 41
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability FL793169005 1515.1 1623.9 2024.7 1806.1 1874.2 1940.9 2024.7 2216.7 2017.1 42
Equity real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FL123165005 226.1 247.6 264.4 253.1 256.9 264.1 264.4 264.1 260.5 43
Domestic financial sectors; foreign direct investment in U.S.: intercompany debt; liability (market value) LM793192305 171 167.4 126 161.2 147.5 139.3 126 123.8 112.5 44
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability LM653164205 19562.6 22208.8 17333.4 20698.1 17759.6 16617.1 17333.4 18166.2 18849.5 45
Life insurance companies; life insurance reserves; liability FL543140005 2248.9 2344 2345.1 2337.7 2313.9 2317.6 2345.1 2382.6 2411 46
Insurance companies and pension funds; pension entitlements; liability FL583150005 29885.5 31685.5 30048.3 31109 29810.4 29457.4 30048.3 30673 31235.6 47
Domestic financial sectors; trade payables; liability FL793170005 397.2 487 515.9 494.3 499.4 507.5 515.9 522 536.2 48
Domestic financial sectors; taxes payable (net); liability FL793178005 149.6 145.9 69.9 88.5 71.8 56.5 69.9 72.1 67.6 49
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FL793190005 6607.2 7604.9 7883.5 7835.2 7798.2 7981.7 7883.5 8054.6 8239 50
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; liability (2) LM793164105 12410.5 16639.6 14546.2 16186 14075.3 13379.2 14546.2 14543.3 15021.2 51
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; liability (IMA) LM793181115 4168.6 4513.8 3999.7 4330.2 3996.1 3916.7 3999.7 4144.7 4260.7 52


  1. Sum of financial sectors shown on tables L.109 through L.132.
  2. Corporate equities outstanding detail is not available for financial subsectors and not shown on tables L.109 through L.132.
Last Update: September 11, 2023