L.100 Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 Line
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total financial assets FL384090005 145651.3 161778 153700.9 165724.5 157681.5 161488.9 159804.9 165724.5 170971.7 1
Federal government; U.S. official reserve assets FL313011005 111.7 219.9 214.1 215.5 217.2 214.7 212.3 215.5 214.9 2
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; private foreign deposits; asset FL383091005 183.5 214.5 252.7 286.3 248.5 272.1 282.9 286.3 307.3 3
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL383020005 7322.5 7422.9 7872.9 7986.4 7581.3 7679.9 7831.1 7986.4 8321.5 4
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset FL383030005 12279.1 13114 12389.4 12113.6 11969.6 11983.1 12071.1 12113.6 12030.4 5
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; money market fund shares; asset FL383034005 3569.1 3800.6 4020.3 5088.9 4434.5 4651.6 4877.4 5088.9 5143 6
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; security repurchase agreements; asset FL382051005 216.2 216 229.3 238.4 234.3 236.7 238.9 238.4 240.5 7
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; debt securities; asset FL384022005 6066.9 5577.5 7026.9 8471.3 7797.2 7939.5 8018.4 8471.3 8401.5 8
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; commercial paper; asset FL383069105 328 337.4 302 291.9 303.1 297.2 332.9 291.9 286.3 9
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; Treasury securities; asset FL383061105 2290.6 1917.6 3087.4 4149.1 3634.7 3834.5 3922.5 4149.1 4170.1 10
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL383061705 976.5 894.3 1511.4 1716.2 1652.3 1584.3 1617.4 1716.2 1621.2 11
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; municipal securities; asset FL383062005 1984.8 1865.3 1679.3 1834.4 1747.6 1758.7 1684.4 1834.4 1841.1 12
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL383063005 487 563 446.8 479.7 459.6 464.8 461.3 479.7 482.9 13
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; loans; asset FL384023005 3853.1 4152.5 4285.7 4142.6 4281.3 4231.8 4136.4 4142.6 4170.3 14
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; other loans and advances; asset FL383069005 1807.9 2004.7 2047.4 1907.6 2021.7 1978.7 1905.5 1907.6 1907.3 15
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total mortgages; asset FL383065005 604.3 653.6 696.3 718 706.3 708.8 713.2 718 721.2 16
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; consumer credit; asset FL383066005 1440.9 1494.2 1542 1516.9 1553.3 1544.3 1517.7 1516.9 1541.8 17
Nonfinancial corporate business; U.S. direct investment abroad: intercompany debt (market value) LM103092305 33.6 -29.7 -59.9 -59.2 -21 -63.6 -44.8 -59.2 -39.1 18
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; corporate equities; asset LM383064105 28881.5 35169.1 29144.8 34974.9 31189.9 33038.5 31977 34974.9 37830.5 19
Nonfinancial corporate business; U.S. direct investment abroad: equity; asset (market value) LM103092105 6763.2 7980 6693.8 7863.4 7259.5 7474.6 7106.6 7863.4 8383.3 20
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; miscellaneous other equity; asset LM383094905 13391.2 15668.9 16344.6 15701.9 16020.1 16261.3 16212.1 15701.9 15600.2 21
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; mutual fund shares; asset LM383064205 11484.8 13402 10203.5 11480 10656.7 11105.8 10629 11480 12270.5 22
Households and nonprofit organizations; life insurance reserves; asset FL153040005 1921.8 2000.3 1987.1 2060.5 2028.3 2055.2 2042.5 2060.5 2100.1 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset FL153050005 29788.6 31560 28920.2 30979.3 29586.6 30195.3 29963.9 30979.3 31788.7 24
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; trade receivables; asset FL383070005 5457.2 6103.7 6661.2 6715.1 6636.7 6668 6768.7 6715.1 6676.1 25
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; taxes receivable; asset FL383078005 630.1 693.9 676 614.6 744.9 677.6 653.9 614.6 705.7 26
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total miscellaneous assets FL383090005 13697.4 14511.7 16838.3 16851.1 16815.7 16866.7 16827.6 16851.1 16826.2 27
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total liabilities and equity FL384194005 151714.1 170880.6 163727.7 178668.9 168332.2 173732.9 172918.6 178668.9 185258.1 28
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total liabilities FL384190005 85854.7 90469.1 96690 100427.8 97342.9 98219.6 99866.9 100427.8 101394.7 29
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability LM313111303 50.9 160.8 152.9 154.1 154.5 152.8 151 154.1 152.1 30
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset FL713014003 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 31
Federal government; Treasury currency; liability FL313112003 23.1 23 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 32
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; debt securities; liability FL384122005 32050.2 33977.1 35290.4 37924.3 35898.2 36419.3 37289.8 37924.3 38656.4 33
Nonfinancial corporate business; commercial paper; liability FL103169100 132.2 138.2 197.6 218 206.2 192.7 203.2 218 232.2 34
Federal government; Treasury securities; liability FL313161105 20946.2 22557.5 23845 26226.6 24282 24772.4 25630.2 26226.6 26808.6 35
Federal government; budget agency securities; liability FL313161705 20.2 19.8 19.8 20.2 19.7 18 19.6 20.2 19.9 36
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; municipal securities; liability FL383162005 4008.2 4087.2 4035.6 4056.9 4039.8 4055.8 4045.5 4056.9 4081.2 37
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate bonds; liability FL103163005 6943.4 7174.3 7192.5 7402.7 7350.4 7380.4 7391.4 7402.7 7514.4 38
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; loans; liability FL384123005 29927.9 32482.5 34871.4 35828.8 34952.8 35173.5 35417.6 35828.8 35942.3 39
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL383168005 3164.4 3101.6 3602.7 3579.4 3607.6 3590.4 3558.5 3579.4 3582.9 40
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; other loans and advances; liability FL383169005 5773.2 6501.5 6796.6 7038.8 6743.4 6776.2 6850.8 7038.8 7084.4 41
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total mortgages; liability FL383165005 16805.5 18330.9 19577.9 20186.9 19715.2 19865.2 20045.3 20186.9 20284.9 42
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer credit; liability FL153166000 4184.9 4548.5 4894.2 5023.7 4886.7 4941.7 4963 5023.7 4990 43
Nonfinancial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.: intercompany debt; liability (market value) LM143192305 326.8 317.2 387.2 372.2 378.8 373.2 377.6 372.2 375.3 44
Federal government; life insurance reserves; liability FL313140003 52.4 52.6 53 54.3 53.5 53.5 54.2 54.3 55.2 45
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; trade payables; liability FL383170005 5431.9 6076.7 6606.9 6688.2 6518.9 6569.6 6727.8 6688.2 6663.9 46
Nonfinancial business; taxes payable; liability FL143178005 445.4 452.1 479.3 455.4 514.2 464.9 469.3 455.4 483.4 47
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FL383190005 17541 16921.9 18821.1 18922.8 18844.1 18985.2 19351.9 18922.8 19038.4 48
Nonfinancial business; equity and investment fund shares excluding mutual fund shares and money market fund shares; liability (IMA) FL143181105 65859.4 80411.5 67037.7 78241.1 70989.3 75513.4 73051.8 78241.1 83863.4 49
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate equities; liability LM103164105 43920.8 53553.5 41664.9 51282.7 45255.7 48733.7 46733.4 51282.7 55812.8 50
Nonfinancial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.; liability (market value) LM143192105 8835.4 11402.8 9243.1 11482.7 9939 10746.1 10335.9 11482.7 12680.6 51
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business LM112090205 13103.2 15455.3 16129.8 15475.7 15794.7 16033.6 15982.5 15475.7 15370 52


  1. Sum of domestic nonfinancial sectors shown on tables L.101 through L.107.
Last Update: June 7, 2024