L.232 Total Miscellaneous Financial Claims
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 Line
All sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FL893190005 24435.4 24807.9 27020.4 27946.1 27165.5 27421 28111.6 27946.1 28306.5 1
Life insurance companies, general accounts; deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums; asset FL543077073 37 38.4 37 39.4 38 38 38.7 39.4 41 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; total miscellaneous liabilities FL103190005 8903.9 8622.7 11022.7 11385.5 11035.4 11221.1 11413.6 11385.5 11552.9 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL113193003 2277.7 2729.4 2779.4 2846.8 2801.1 2828.2 2841.6 2846.8 2870.7 4
Federal government; total miscellaneous liabilities FL313190005 2393.5 1996 1777 1626.3 1839.5 1821.4 1796.6 1626.3 1651.1 5
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset FL223073045 3928.9 3535.3 3205 3024.8 3130.1 3076.5 3261.5 3024.8 2922.7 6
Monetary authority; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL713193005 11.5 11.8 -11.4 -126 -34.9 -68.7 -95.1 -126 -148.6 7
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total miscellaneous liabilities FL763190005 368 442.9 465.9 742.3 461.5 495.6 650.6 742.3 788.7 8
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous liability FL753193005 95.3 102.2 189.3 156.9 140.7 156.1 168.1 156.9 162.6 9
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL743193005 28 22.8 25.8 56.5 25.7 26.2 48.6 56.5 58.8 10
Credit unions; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL473193005 23.3 28.3 32.7 85.6 42.4 63 72.5 85.6 81.4 11
Property-casualty insurance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL513190005 1679.6 1823.9 1947.3 2101.3 2007.2 2040.1 2076.3 2101.3 2132.7 12
Life insurance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL543190005 1943.1 2051 1977.4 2113.7 2003.9 2036.2 2046.2 2113.7 2181.3 13
Government-sponsored enterprises; total miscellaneous liabilities FL403190005 78.4 72.9 86.9 97.7 85.9 91.3 103.1 97.7 97.8 14
Finance companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL613190005 297.4 494.3 540.6 615.1 553.4 558.3 600.4 615.1 601.4 15
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL643193075 26.4 17.1 19.8 26.5 21.5 23.6 21.4 26.5 27.6 16
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous liabilities FL663190005 895.9 1068.5 1043.6 1121 1113 1107.6 1082.3 1121 1193.5 17
Holding companies; total miscellaneous liabilities FL733190005 441.7 476.5 634.3 710.7 644.2 653.7 696.4 710.7 733.6 18
Other financial business; total miscellaneous liabilities FL503190005 654.6 912.9 869 937 876.1 854.5 911.2 937 972.4 19
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous liabilities FL263190005 351.2 361.1 378.3 385.1 380.9 398.2 377.7 385.1 384.9 20
All sectors; total miscellaneous assets FL893090005 27995 28963.8 31968.1 31829.1 31991.5 31961.8 32379.1 31829.1 31759 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; total miscellaneous assets FL153090005 1377.2 1432.5 1526.8 1618.2 1548.5 1566.4 1581.7 1618.2 1644.4 22
Nonfinancial corporate business; total miscellaneous assets FL103090005 8135.3 8384 10452.7 10330.4 10388.9 10409.6 10347.6 10330.4 10256.6 23
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total miscellaneous assets FL113090005 4120.3 4565.5 4728.3 4789.5 4752.4 4774.1 4785.6 4789.5 4807.3 24
Federal government; nonofficial foreign currencies; asset FL313091105 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 25
State and local governments; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL213093003 61.9 127 127.9 110.5 123.3 114 110.1 110.5 115.2 26
Monetary authority; total miscellaneous assets FL713090005 48.9 35.4 36.1 38.8 34.1 37.2 40 38.8 35.6 27
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; total miscellaneous assets FL763090005 678.8 674.7 899.8 757.1 827.2 809.9 864.4 757.1 704.1 28
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL753093005 77.6 76.9 138.1 109.4 104 105.6 118.9 109.4 110.4 29
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL743093005 36.6 27.5 32.8 40 35.6 33.7 38.5 40 30.9 30
Credit unions; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL473093005 120.9 126.5 103.1 97.4 98.3 97 96.2 97.4 104.7 31
Property-casualty insurance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL513090005 490.7 427.2 552.5 527.6 579 564.7 561 527.6 515.7 32
Life insurance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL543090005 779.5 873.3 985 1125.4 1012.1 1059.9 1105.9 1125.4 1137.5 33
Private pension funds; total miscellaneous assets FL573090005 1763.5 1745.8 2379.7 2157.1 2279.4 2214.4 2330.1 2157.1 2086.5 34
Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension funds on sponsor; asset FL343073045 1637.2 1550.8 1390.5 1213 1455.4 1434.6 1410.3 1213 1239.4 35
State and local government employee retirement funds; miscellaneous assets FL223090005 4989.9 4762.7 4477.4 4454.4 4474.3 4479.7 4633.8 4454.4 4406.9 36
Money market funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets (net) FL633093005 7.1 -2.9 33 -17.6 21.5 22.1 9.3 -17.6 -26.1 37
Mutual funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL653093005 286.1 347.2 295.3 296.6 318.4 266.2 287.4 296.6 269.3 38
Exchange-traded funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets LM563093003 144.3 133.2 131.9 129.6 137.3 131 124 129.6 133.7 39
Government-sponsored enterprises; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL403093005 189.7 159.2 121.7 126.2 118.6 118.3 125 126.2 113 40
Issuers of asset-backed securities; funding agreements backing securities; asset FL673090543 114.9 155.4 173.7 183.5 175.8 178.3 182.3 183.5 197.7 41
Finance companies; total miscellaneous assets FL613090005 203.7 294.8 304 350.4 304.8 314.8 331.4 350.4 371.1 42
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL643093075 45.1 48.2 52.5 63.5 54.5 55 58.4 63.5 61.6 43
Security brokers and dealers; total miscellaneous assets FL663090005 1470.6 1713.7 1619.6 1739.1 1711 1715 1700.6 1739.1 1823.4 44
Holding companies; total miscellaneous assets FL733090005 974.3 1060.3 1153.9 1268.4 1169.4 1193 1223.5 1268.4 1300.7 45
Other financial business; unidentified miscellaneous assets of central clearing counterparties FL503093023 0.9 1 1.1 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 46
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous assets FL263090005 237.2 241 248.2 317.2 264.1 263.6 309.6 317.2 315.8 47
Instrument discrepancies; total miscellaneous assets FL903090005 -3559.5 -4155.8 -4947.7 -3882.9 -4826.1 -4540.8 -4267.5 -3882.9 -3452.5 48
Last Update: June 7, 2024