L.6 Assets and Liabilities of the Personal Sector (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 Line
Personal sector; total financial assets FL174090005 98953.9 110200 100916.8 111048.2 104557.6 107403.7 105813.1 111048.2 115361.8 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; private foreign deposits; asset LM153091003 48.5 48.2 51.7 49.9 51 47.8 49.8 49.9 53.1 2
Personal sector; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL173020005 3575.1 4617 5062.5 4798 5084 5005 4748.1 4798 5034.1 3
Personal sector; total time and savings deposits; asset FL173030005 11586.3 12445.4 11716.8 11326.6 11323.8 11213.1 11282 11326.6 11241.1 4
Personal sector; money market fund shares; asset FL173034005 2817.7 2933.6 3217 4122.1 3559.6 3746.4 3938.6 4122.1 4165 5
Personal sector; debt securities; asset FL174022005 3906.8 3125.4 4512.8 5807.4 5177.7 5309.8 5409.1 5807.4 5755.4 6
Personal sector; Treasury securities; asset FL173061105 1221.6 506.9 1535.1 2458.5 1996.1 2182.8 2310.1 2458.5 2489.8 7
Households and nonprofit organizations; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset LM153061705 485.7 452.4 1071.6 1259.4 1201.9 1132.4 1170 1259.4 1165.2 8
Personal sector; municipal securities; asset FL173062005 1949.8 1815.8 1625.1 1779 1690.4 1699.6 1630.1 1779 1784.2 9
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM153063005 249.6 350.3 280.9 310.5 289.3 295.1 298.9 310.5 316.1 10
Personal sector; loans; asset FL174023005 1430.2 1518.8 1472.4 1406.9 1448.5 1449.7 1382.9 1406.9 1409.2 11
Households and nonprofit organizations; other loans and advances; asset FL153069005 1272.2 1358.6 1320.4 1257.2 1296.5 1298.3 1231.6 1257.2 1260.6 12
Personal sector; mortgages; asset FL173065005 133.9 138.2 133.1 130.8 133.1 132.2 131.8 130.8 130.2 13
Personal sector; consumer credit; asset FL173066005 24.1 22 18.9 18.9 18.9 19.2 19.5 18.9 18.5 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities; asset (2) LM153064105 26055.1 31684.7 26474.6 31583.8 28300.9 29900.1 28939.1 31583.8 34086.6 15
Households and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares; asset LM153064205 10996.3 12829.6 9739.4 10950 10170.2 10599.9 10141.5 10950 11708.3 16
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset FL163070005 286.8 298.6 311.7 326 315.3 318.9 322.4 326 329.4 17
Households and nonprofit organizations; life insurance reserves; asset FL153040005 1921.8 2000.3 1987.1 2060.5 2028.3 2055.2 2042.5 2060.5 2100.1 18
Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset FL153050005 29788.6 31560 28920.2 30979.3 29586.6 30195.3 29963.9 30979.3 31788.7 19
Personal sector; other financial assets FL173099005 6540.7 7138.3 7450.7 7637.8 7511.5 7562.5 7593.2 7637.8 7690.7 20
Personal sector; total liabilities FL174190005 26953.9 29564.2 31169.5 32030.5 31309.3 31554.6 31776.8 32030.5 32167.3 21
Personal sector; one-to-four-family residential mortgages; liability FL173165105 11636.8 12768.4 13577.9 13961.3 13641 13740.3 13866.3 13961.3 14007 22
Personal sector; commercial, multifamily, and farm mortgages; liability FL173165205 4181.7 4473.5 4752.9 4946.4 4814.3 4864.5 4910.7 4946.4 4997.8 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer credit; liability FL153166000 4184.9 4548.5 4894.2 5023.7 4886.7 4941.7 4963 5023.7 4990 24
Personal sector; other loans and advances; liability FL173169005 1070.6 1260.5 1178.3 1202.9 1172.7 1172.6 1201.2 1202.9 1242.1 25
Personal sector; other liabilities FL173199005 5880 6513.2 6766.1 6896.1 6794.6 6835.5 6835.5 6896.1 6930.3 26


  1. Combined statement for households and nonprofit organizations and nonfinancial noncorporate business.
  2. Directly held and those in closed-end and exchange-traded funds. Other equities are included in mutual fund shares (line 16), life insurance reserves (line 18), and pension entitlements (line 19).
Last Update: June 7, 2024