B.101.e Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations with Debt and Equity Holdings Detail
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 Line
Households and nonprofit organizations; total assets FL152000005 169369.8 164261.2 175870.6 167570.7 173122.9 171840.8 175870.6 181588.1 184525.6 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets FL152010005 51188.6 55621.5 57903.4 55637.4 58064.6 58506.8 57903.4 59484 61287.6 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; total financial assets FL154090005 118181.2 108639.7 117967.2 111933.3 115058.3 113334 117967.2 122104.1 123238 3
Households and nonprofit organizations; total currency and deposits including money market fund shares; asset (1) FL154000025 18060.9 17964.7 18197.1 17906.8 17892.5 17887 18197.1 18510.2 18438.4 4
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held debt securities; asset LM154022375 8904 9492.2 11159.7 10356.8 10551.2 10510.5 11159.7 11228.4 11528.1 5
Households and nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset LM154022005 2988.3 4653.9 6000.9 5380.2 5505.7 5580 6000.9 5923.1 6199.2 6
Households and nonprofit organizations; indirectly held debt securities; asset LM154022075 5915.8 4838.3 5158.8 4976.6 5045.5 4930.5 5158.8 5305.3 5328.9 7
Life insurance companies; debt securities held indirectly through mutual funds; asset LM544022053 484.5 388.4 394.4 394 394.7 380 394.4 397.9 392.7 8
Private defined contribution pension funds; debt held directly and indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM574022075 1913.7 1659.4 1818.9 1718.9 1744.4 1720.9 1818.9 1860.5 1879.8 9
Federal government defined contribution retirement funds; debt securities; asset (2) LM344022025 37 29.9 32.8 31 31.5 30.2 32.8 32.7 32.6 10
State and local government employee retirement funds; debt securities held indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM223064223 54.4 39.6 42.7 41 41.8 40.8 42.7 44.1 44.1 11
Mutual funds; debt securities indirectly held by households; asset LM654022055 3426.1 2720.9 2870.1 2791.7 2833.1 2758.6 2870.1 2970.2 2979.7 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; asset FL154023005 1466.9 1416.6 1349.8 1392.4 1393 1326 1349.8 1352.8 1342.2 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities; asset LM153064475 49298.8 39787.5 47162.3 42336.3 44868.6 43175.7 47162.3 50885.6 51547.5 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities; asset LM153064105 31866.9 26294.5 31219.5 28078.4 29727.8 28743.2 31219.5 33553.8 33952.8 15
Households and nonprofit organizations; indirectly held corporate equities; asset LM153064175 17431.9 13493 15942.8 14257.9 15140.8 14432.5 15942.8 17331.8 17594.7 16
Life insurance companies; corporate equities held directly and indirectly through mutual funds; asset LM543064153 1785.3 1398.6 1505.5 1443.1 1492.2 1392.9 1505.5 1597.4 1591.5 17
Private defined contribution pension funds; corporate equities held directly and indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM573064175 5974.3 4858.1 5938.1 5180.3 5536.2 5323.3 5938.1 6456.3 6595 18
Federal government retirement funds; corporate equities held by Thrift Savings Plan; asset (2) LM343064125 504.2 402.9 517.1 432.7 468.7 457.7 517.1 567.9 584 19
State and local government employee retirement funds; corporate equities held indirectly through mutual funds; asset (2) LM223064213 143.4 98.1 116.9 104.1 111.2 105.8 116.9 127.3 128.8 20
Mutual funds; corporate equities indirectly held by households; asset LM653064155 9024.8 6735.3 7865.3 7097.7 7532.5 7152.8 7865.3 8583 8695.4 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; other financial assets (B.101.e) (3) FL153099475 40450.5 39978.7 40098.3 39941 40353.1 40434.9 40098.3 40127.2 40381.9 22
Households and nonprofit organizations; total liabilities FL154190005 18828.3 19927.8 20493.3 19966.6 20137.7 20319.7 20493.3 20551.4 20728.7 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FL152090005 150541.4 144333.4 155377.4 147604.1 152985.2 151521.1 155377.4 161036.7 163797 24
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held debt securities as a percentage of total assets FL154022376 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.2 25
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held debt securities as a percentage of disposable personal income; assets FL154022386 7.5 8.7 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.3 9.5 9.2 9.4 26
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities as a percentage of total assets FL153064476 29.1 24.2 26.8 25.3 25.9 25.1 26.8 28 27.9 27
Households and nonprofit organizations; directly and indirectly held corporate equities as a percentage of financial assets; assets FL153064486 41.7 36.6 40 37.8 39 38.1 40 41.7 41.8 28


  1. Includes foreign deposits, checkable deposits and currency, time and savings deposits, and money market fund shares.
  2. Defined contribution plans. Assets held by defined benefit pension funds are not considered assets of the household sector. Defined benefit pension entitlements are included in line 22.
  3. Other (line 22) includes proprietor's equity in noncorporate business, defined benefit plan pension entitlements, asset of defined contribution pension plans and mutual funds not included above.
Last Update: September 12, 2024