F.108 Domestic Financial Sectors (1)
Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates
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Description Series code 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 Line
Domestic financial sectors; gross saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj less net capital transfers paid (other than for financial stabilization program) FA796000105 312.5 374.7 323.4 359.1 298.9 310.2 325.5 373.1 428.6 1
Domestic financial sectors; gross investment FA795090005 719 797.7 401 888.9 430.7 564.9 -280.4 1019 612.7 2
Domestic financial sectors; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products FA795013005 307.1 337.2 368 358.8 370.1 369.8 373.4 380.4 393.2 3
Domestic financial sectors; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products FA795013005 307.1 337.2 368 358.8 370.1 369.8 373.4 380.4 393.2 4
Domestic financial sectors; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) FA795000005 412 460.5 33 530.1 60.6 195.1 -653.8 638.6 219.4 5
Domestic financial sectors; total financial assets FA794090005 7296.3 2452.6 3258.7 9969.8 -40.6 1064.6 2040.8 5379.6 1298 6
Monetary authority; U.S. official reserve assets FA713011005 -0.1 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.1 -0.3 -0 7
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset FA713014003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 8
Monetary authority; Treasury currency; asset FA713012003 0.4 0.5 1.2 0.7 0.7 2.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 9
Domestic financial sectors; private foreign deposits FA793091005 -2.2 -7.7 7.5 11 7.2 42.5 -30.7 -9.7 2.7 10
Domestic financial sectors; interbank transactions; asset FA794010005 644.1 -949.7 614.6 2976.7 -596 -38.7 116.3 811.4 -1179.5 11
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset FA793020005 49 -52.9 -54.7 -44.3 -44.8 -230.8 101.1 -82.6 67 12
Domestic financial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset FA793030005 -129.9 113.5 127.8 189.2 30.1 17.5 274.3 190.4 -245.6 13
Domestic financial sectors; money market fund shares; asset FA793034005 180.5 -224.9 51.4 278.4 70.6 -74.5 -68.9 98.1 113.6 14
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset FA792050005 1122.2 752.2 -60.1 3085.7 -941.8 -1471.9 -912.5 -562.1 472.6 15
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; asset FA794022005 3061.7 -153.8 687.7 -192.8 700.9 1458.6 784.2 2956.9 378.9 16
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; asset FA793069175 -6.9 132.8 -10.5 -342 -22.4 122.8 199.7 -34 -82.2 17
Domestic financial sectors; Treasury securities; asset FA793061105 1254.4 -682.1 714 -833.2 768.3 1730 1191.1 1445 135.5 18
Domestic financial sectors; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FA793061705 680 44.4 -37.8 881.4 -287.9 -530.7 -214.1 218.6 -121.6 19
Domestic financial sectors; municipal securities; asset FA793062005 175 -93.4 -85.1 -96.7 -41.4 -46.9 -155.3 47.9 -22.6 20
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FA793063005 959.3 444.5 107 197.7 284.3 183.3 -237.1 1279.5 469.8 21
Domestic financial sectors; loans; asset FA794023005 1842.5 2713.9 1092.8 1925.2 295.8 792.2 1358.2 796.6 1378.1 22
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FA793068005 128.1 472.5 55.8 98.6 -12 -8.6 145.2 -2.5 405 23
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; asset FA793069005 305.5 656.7 288.5 962.7 -455.5 -42.1 688.8 260.9 379 24
Domestic financial sectors; total mortgages; asset FA793065005 1224.5 1286.8 594 674.3 589.3 686.3 426.2 505.1 528.9 25
Domestic financial sectors; consumer credit; asset FA793066005 184.5 297.9 154.5 189.6 174 156.6 97.9 33.1 65.2 26
Domestic financial sectors; U.S. direct investment abroad: intercompany debt; asset (market value) FA793092305 -9.2 -14.6 4.9 24 -14.1 11.3 -1.7 3 2.7 27
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; asset FA793064105 -109.8 74.6 -31.2 -304 266.6 -181.7 94.4 98.7 -109.5 28
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; asset (IMA) FA793081115 163.5 59.4 137.5 308.8 -1.1 244.6 -2.4 102.1 126.1 29
Domestic financial sectors; mutual fund shares; asset FA793064205 -382.2 -214.5 -91.1 134.4 -287.3 -164.2 -47.4 -348.4 -278.1 30
Domestic financial sectors; life insurance reserves; asset FA793040005 39.5 4.9 47.6 54.9 34.7 49 51.7 22.1 16.1 31
Life insurance companies; pension entitlements reserve credit from reinsurers; asset FA543050005 88.5 104.5 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 90.7 34.8 17 32
Domestic financial sectors; trade receivables; asset FA793070005 35.8 26.2 56.5 67.8 53.1 40.8 64.3 65.8 54.2 33
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous assets FA793090005 702.1 220.9 575.4 1363.3 293.8 476 168.4 1202.1 460.8 34
Domestic financial sectors; total liabilities and equity FA794194005 6884.3 1992 3225.7 9439.8 -101.1 869.5 2694.5 4741 1078.5 35
Domestic financial sectors; total liabilities FA794190005 6022.4 1448.9 2653.1 8927 -550.1 300.9 1934.4 3959.7 250.1 36
Domestic financial sectors; interbank transactions; liability FA794110005 732.1 -779.7 789.4 3831.2 -1197.1 -50.2 573.8 772.8 -1359.1 37
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; liability FA793120005 222.5 412.7 81.2 -1129.5 931.8 46.2 476.4 1280.3 63.7 38
Private depository institutions; total time and savings deposits; liability FA703130005 758.2 -617.5 -149.5 -1573.1 540.4 225.8 208.8 -35.3 -7.1 39
Money market funds; total financial assets FA634090005 439.5 17.6 1134.5 2181.5 1043.6 706.3 606.6 638.2 561.4 40
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; liability FA792150005 1732.9 720.4 -848.4 1750.3 -1293.8 -1966.6 -1883.5 -792.3 916.6 41
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; liability FA794122005 719.9 1251.5 502.4 1538.6 -260.9 44.6 687.2 417.3 258.7 42
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; liability FA793169175 -83.8 182.5 13.8 -108.8 54.9 131.5 -22.4 -4.1 -31.4 43
GSEs and agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability FA423161705 612.9 979.4 297 1571.3 -395.6 -70.4 82.8 101.7 205.6 44
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FA793163005 190.7 89.7 191.6 76.1 79.9 -16.5 626.8 319.7 84.5 45
Domestic financial sectors; loans; liability FA794123005 145 348.3 -147.7 827.3 -972.8 -504 58.8 4.6 -190.2 46
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FA793168005 36.7 -54.6 -13.1 -64.3 -24.2 31.3 4.9 63 -16.8 47
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability FA793169005 108.2 402.8 -134.6 891.6 -948.6 -535.3 53.9 -58.4 -173.4 48
Domestic financial sectors; foreign direct investment in U.S.: intercompany debt; liability (market value) FA793192305 -2 -34.9 0 -0.5 10.3 20.8 -30.6 5.5 -41.3 49
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability FA653164205 215.1 -800.5 -309.9 -148.7 -326.5 -305.4 -459 68 -364.5 50
Life insurance companies; life insurance reserves; liability FA543140005 48 71.6 25 98.9 43.7 -6.7 -36.1 95.7 49.9 51
Insurance companies and pension funds; pension entitlements; liability FA583150005 274.6 515.3 632.2 748.9 689.6 508.9 581.5 546.6 505.1 52
Domestic financial sectors; trade payables; liability FA793170005 89.7 29 113.8 111.7 130.1 109.9 103.4 70.9 38.8 53
Domestic financial sectors; taxes payable (net); liability FA793178005 -10.5 -76 29.5 34 -21.8 0.9 104.9 -19.1 39.7 54
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FA793190005 657.3 391.2 800.6 656.6 133.4 1470.3 942.2 906.6 -221.6 55
Domestic financial sectors; equity and investment fund shares excluding mutual fund shares and money market fund shares; liability (IMA) FA793181105 861.9 543.1 572.6 512.7 449 568.6 760.2 781.3 828.4 56
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; liability FA793164105 813.1 489.3 491.9 248.6 509.2 371 838.7 774.8 684.7 57
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; liability (IMA) FA793181115 48.9 53.8 80.7 264.1 -60.2 197.6 -78.6 6.5 143.7 58
Domestic financial sectors; sector discrepancy FA797005005 -406.5 -423 -77.6 -529.8 -131.8 -254.7 605.9 -645.9 -184.1 59


  1. Sum of financial sectors shown on tables F.109 through F.132.
Last Update: September 12, 2024