L.105 General Government (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 Line
General government; total financial assets FL364090005 7900.2 8206.8 8647.7 8156.6 8288.4 8423.6 8647.7 8804.5 8768.6 1
Federal government; U.S. official reserve assets FL313011005 219.9 214.1 215.5 217.2 214.7 212.3 215.5 214.9 213.6 2
General government; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL363020005 756.1 815.2 1151.6 544.1 764.2 1016.8 1151.6 1161.5 1153.3 3
General government; total time and savings deposits; asset FL363030005 385 371.6 375.5 363.4 371.1 366.5 375.5 374.6 372.7 4
State and local governments; money market fund shares; asset FL213034003 55.5 65.3 72 69.6 70.4 71.5 72 72.9 74.2 5
State and local governments; security repurchase agreements; asset FL212051003 199.7 204.2 220.2 213.6 215.1 210.6 220.2 222.4 226 6
General government; debt securities; asset FL364022005 2235.4 2289.7 2486.5 2400.9 2422.6 2374.6 2486.5 2515.4 2556.9 7
State and local governments; commercial paper; asset FL213069103 210.1 214.7 231.6 224.6 226.2 221.5 231.6 233.9 237.8 8
State and local governments; Treasury securities, excluding SLGS; asset FL213061103 1269.4 1327.3 1475.2 1401.4 1419.6 1399.4 1475.2 1498.4 1523.2 9
General government; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL363061705 415.5 412.2 428.7 427.2 426.6 414.1 428.7 429.2 436.3 10
State and local governments; municipal securities; asset FL213062003 43.3 44.3 47.7 46.3 46.6 45.7 47.7 48.2 49 11
General government; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL363063005 297.2 291.2 303.3 301.4 303.5 293.9 303.3 305.6 310.7 12
General government; loans; asset FL364023005 2435 2602.4 2515.4 2620.1 2565.1 2529.7 2515.4 2539.8 2553.4 13
General government; total mortgages; asset FL363065005 352.5 387.5 401 394.4 393.8 392 401 402 407.8 14
Federal government; consumer credit, student loans; asset FL313066220 1436.4 1487.3 1462.2 1499.7 1490.1 1463.1 1462.2 1488.6 1484.9 15
General government; other loans and advances; asset FL363069005 646.1 727.6 652.2 726 681.2 674.7 652.2 649.2 660.7 16
General government; corporate equities; asset LM363064105 173.4 176.5 187.7 183.1 184.1 181 187.7 189.3 191.8 17
Federal government; other equity; asset (IMA) FL313081115 91.8 88.3 82.1 88.5 88.1 88.9 82.1 82.1 79.1 18
State and local governments; mutual fund shares; asset LM213064203 79.1 80.8 87.2 84.5 85.1 83.3 87.2 88 89.5 19
General government; trade receivables; asset FL363070005 371 402 409.2 398.2 401.7 413 409.2 412.2 417.7 20
General government; taxes receivable; asset FL363078005 711.6 705.9 644.5 774.8 707.5 683.8 644.5 729.8 635.3 21
General government; total miscellaneous assets FL363090005 186.9 190.9 200.3 198.6 198.7 191.7 200.3 201.6 204.9 22
General government; total liabilities FL364190005 36062.4 37124 39560.2 37565.4 38074.7 39138.3 39560.2 40160.7 40402.4 23
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability LM313111303 160.8 152.9 154.1 154.5 152.8 151 154.1 152.1 151.1 24
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset FL713014003 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 10.2 25
Federal government; Treasury currency; liability FL313112003 23 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 26
General government; debt securities; liability FL364122005 25844.6 27080.8 29483.8 27521.8 28021.5 28873.8 29483.8 30082.8 30212.7 27
Federal government; Treasury securities; liability FL313161105 22557.5 23845 26226.6 24282 24772.4 25630.2 26226.6 26808.6 26903.1 28
Federal government; budget agency securities; liability FL313161705 19.8 19.8 20.2 19.7 18 19.6 20.2 19.9 20.2 29
State and local governments; municipal securities; liability FL213162005 3267.3 3216 3237 3220 3231.1 3224 3237 3254.3 3289.4 30
General government; loans; liability FL364123005 2749.7 3009.9 3249.3 2970 2999.4 3042.8 3249.3 3235.2 3254.7 31
Federal government; multifamily residential mortgages; liability FL313165403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
General government; other loans and advances; liability FL363169005 2749.7 3009.9 3249.3 2970 2999.4 3042.8 3249.3 3235.2 3254.7 33
Federal government; life insurance reserves; liability FL313140003 52.6 53 54.3 53.5 53.5 54.2 54.3 55.2 55.3 34
General government; trade payables; liability FL363170005 1670.9 1724.3 1806.5 1744.7 1766.5 1793.2 1806.5 1826.3 1859.7 35
General government; total miscellaneous liabilities FL363190005 5555.6 5075.3 4784.4 5093.1 5053.3 5195.5 4784.4 4781.2 4836.2 36
General government (consolidated); total financial assets (2) FL374090005 6455.2 6712.1 7008.9 6587.2 6707.9 6860.4 7008.9 7141.8 7073.3 37
General government (consolidated); total liabilities (2) FL374190005 34617.4 35629.3 37921.5 35996 36494.2 37575.2 37921.5 38498 38707.1 38


  1. Sum of the federal government and state and local governments sectors.
  2. Excludes Treasury securities and municipal securities held by state and local governments (lines 9 and 11) and federal government loans to state and local governments (line 33).
Last Update: September 12, 2024