L.208 Debt Securities (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 Line
All sectors; total debt securities; liability FL894122005 53801.8 55866.7 59078.3 56863.6 57322.7 58107.4 59078.3 59928.3 60260.9 1
All sectors; open market paper; liability FL893169175 1051.8 1203.7 1215.8 1167.4 1176.9 1206.6 1215.8 1233.3 1215.3 2
Federal government; Treasury securities; liability FL313161105 22557.5 23845 26226.6 24282 24772.4 25630.2 26226.6 26808.6 26903.1 3
All sectors; U.S. government agency securities; liability FL893161705 10699.2 11678.6 11976 12041.3 11972.4 11938.8 11976 11973.7 12057.5 4
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; municipal securities; liability FL383162005 4089 4037.5 4059.3 4041.9 4058 4047.8 4059.3 4083.8 4129.4 5
All sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL893163005 15404.4 15102 15600.7 15330.9 15343.1 15284 15600.7 15828.9 15955.6 6
All sectors; total debt securities; liability FL894122005 53801.8 55866.7 59078.3 56863.6 57322.7 58107.4 59078.3 59928.3 60260.9 7
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; debt securities; liability FL384122005 33978 35291.4 37921.9 35896.1 36416.8 37287.4 37921.9 38654 38842.9 8
Nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; liability (2) FL163162003 203 202.1 204.3 202.3 204.5 204.6 204.3 206.7 210.3 9
Nonfinancial corporate business; debt securities; liability FL104122005 7930.3 8008.5 8233.8 8172 8190.8 8209.1 8233.8 8364.5 8419.9 10
Federal government; debt securities; liability FL314122005 22577.3 23864.8 26246.7 24301.8 24790.4 25649.7 26246.7 26828.6 26923.4 11
State and local governments; municipal securities; liability FL213162005 3267.3 3216 3237 3220 3231.1 3224 3237 3254.3 3289.4 12
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; liability FL794122005 15605.5 16856 17352.1 17218.5 17185.5 17159.6 17352.1 17436.5 17533.9 13
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; debt securities; liability FL764122005 311.8 446.6 448.1 405.7 435.7 442.8 448.1 444.1 435.9 14
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; open market paper; liability FL753169175 53.7 106.7 148 107.2 118 120.7 148 154.5 159.2 15
Government-sponsored enterprises; GSE issues; liability FL403161705 8177.6 8970.8 9085.1 9303.7 9189.4 9098.3 9085.1 9047.5 9086.5 16
Agency-and GSE-backed mortgage pools; total mortgages; asset FL413065005 2501.8 2687.9 2870.7 2717.9 2765 2820.9 2870.7 2906.2 2950.8 17
Issuers of asset-backed securities; debt securities; liability FL674122005 1388.2 1469.4 1507.3 1483.7 1487.3 1498.3 1507.3 1531.8 1541.6 18
Finance companies; debt securities; liability FL614122005 1085.3 1062.4 1155.6 1068.5 1103 1112.7 1155.6 1169.7 1202.3 19
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; debt securities; liability FL644122075 203.8 216.8 216.6 216.2 211.5 208.6 216.6 216.1 211.1 20
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL663163003 217.7 236.1 236.2 229.3 211.2 221 236.2 258.2 268.4 21
Holding companies; debt securities; liability FL734122005 1544.9 1541.8 1556.3 1548 1541.2 1486.4 1556.3 1558.2 1535.1 22
Other financial business; debt securities; liability FL504122005 120.6 117.4 128.2 138.3 123.3 149.8 128.2 150.2 143 23
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; liability LM264122005 4218.4 3719.3 3804.3 3749 3720.4 3660.4 3804.3 3837.7 3884.1 24
All sectors; total debt securities; asset FL894022005 55197.6 50947 55217.1 52805.4 52850.6 52297.8 55217.1 55784.2 55941.8 25
Domestic nonfinancial sectors; debt securities; asset FL384022005 5709.2 7402.7 8948.9 8244.5 8404.1 8471 8948.9 8913.1 9215.1 26
Households and nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset LM154022005 2988.3 4653.9 6000.9 5380.2 5505.7 5580 6000.9 5923.1 6199.2 27
Nonfinancial corporate business; debt securities; asset LM104022005 409.6 382.2 383.1 386.4 398 437.9 383.1 395.8 379.8 28
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; debt securities; asset LM114022005 75.9 76.9 78.4 77 77.8 78.5 78.4 78.8 79.2 29
Federal government; debt securities; asset FL314022005 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 30
State and local governments; debt securities; asset LM214022005 2234.9 2289.2 2486 2400.4 2422.1 2374.1 2486 2514.9 2556.4 31
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; asset FL794022005 35836.9 31062.9 32492 31647.6 31366.9 30761.2 32492 32905.6 32690.4 32
Monetary authority; debt securities; asset LM714022005 8733.2 7349.1 6523.8 7243.2 6902.1 6393.6 6523.8 6204.8 5955.7 33
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; debt securities; asset LM764022005 6319.8 5620.7 5361.7 5575.5 5407 5169.4 5361.7 5424.7 5371.5 34
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; debt securities; asset LM754022005 286.1 297.8 271.5 280.4 290 275.7 271.5 283.9 291.6 35
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; debt securities; asset LM744022003 47.5 50.9 73.2 50 49.6 68.9 73.2 74.1 76.8 36
Credit unions; debt securities; asset LM474022005 403.1 385.4 353.9 381.3 370.6 356.1 353.9 349.9 351.3 37
Property-casualty insurance companies; debt securities; asset LM514022005 1320.1 1241.7 1363.7 1287.1 1283.4 1291.9 1363.7 1408.2 1504 38
Life insurance companies; debt securities; asset LM544022005 4569.2 3904.9 4013.9 4021.8 3967.4 3811.9 4013.9 4057 4080 39
Private pension funds; debt securities; asset LM574022005 1821 1487.4 1574.1 1526.2 1523.9 1487.6 1574.1 1577.1 1582.3 40
Federal government retirement funds; debt securities; asset LM344022005 48.9 39.7 43.3 40.9 42.1 40.4 43.3 43.3 42.3 41
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds retirement funds; debt securities; asset LM224022045 1194.3 1024.8 1115 1091.4 1063.3 1033.9 1115 1130.2 1133.3 42
Money market funds; debt securities; asset FL634022005 2568.8 2022 3414.8 2206.9 2392.5 2881.2 3414.8 3742 3611.5 43
Mutual funds; debt securities; asset (market value) LM654022005 5897.2 4794 5065.6 4931.2 4975.9 4861.4 5065.6 5189 5197.5 44
Closed-end funds; debt securities; asset LM554022005 186.6 152.5 154.2 153.1 151.4 145.3 154.2 155 154.4 45
Exchange-traded funds; debt securities; asset LM564022005 1215.3 1258.7 1493.5 1336.9 1371.7 1367.3 1493.5 1531.5 1590.2 46
Government-sponsored enterprises; debt securities; asset LM404022005 430.2 395.6 456.4 407.9 421.6 427.2 456.4 451.5 464.7 47
Issuers of asset-backed securities; debt securities; asset FL674022005 31.9 36.4 31.4 36.4 34.5 33.2 31.4 29.2 26.9 48
Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM613063003 68.3 52 28.3 40.9 38.3 35.3 28.3 29.1 28.6 49
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; debt securities; asset LM644022075 180.4 159 187.4 181.3 181.8 191.1 187.4 188.5 194.1 50
Security brokers and dealers; debt securities; asset LM664022005 196.6 311.4 447.7 420.5 405 435.4 447.7 541.5 530.7 51
Holding companies; long-term debt securities; asset LM734022605 146.4 181.7 182.4 168.6 166.3 174.2 182.4 170.8 173.6 52
Other financial business; debt securities; asset FL504022005 172.1 297.1 336.2 266 328.6 280.2 336.2 324.4 329.6 53
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; asset LM264022005 13651.6 12481.5 13776.3 12913.4 13079.5 13065.5 13776.3 13965.5 14036.3 54
Instrument discrepancies; debt securities (level) (3) LM904022005 -1395.8 4919.7 3861.2 4058.2 4472.2 5809.6 3861.2 4144.1 4319.1 55


  1. Sum of open market paper, Treasury securities, agency- and GSE-backed securities, municipal securities, and corporate and foreign bonds.
  2. Liability of the households and nonprofit organizations sector (tables L.101 and B.101).
  3. The accumulated valuation difference between issuance and holdings.
Last Update: September 12, 2024