L.213 Corporate and Foreign Bonds
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
Description Series code 2021 2022 2023 2023 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 Line
All sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL893163005 15404.4 15102 15600.7 15330.9 15343.1 15284 15600.7 15828.9 15955.6 1
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate bonds; liability FL103163005 7173.4 7191.6 7397.9 7346.2 7375.8 7386.8 7397.9 7509.2 7578.9 2
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL793163005 4434.3 4522.9 4708.3 4535.2 4545.1 4540.6 4708.3 4781.6 4790.9 3
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL763163005 191.7 259.9 257.1 236.9 251.6 254.1 257.1 255 249.7 4
Issuers of asset-backed securities; corporate and foreign bonds; liability (1) FL673163005 1256.3 1281.7 1376 1306.1 1307.4 1338.5 1376 1396.7 1400.6 5
Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL613163005 1028 996.1 1078.7 1007.7 1034.5 1042.9 1078.7 1108.8 1135.6 6
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding FHLB advances; liability FL643163075 203.8 216.8 216.6 216.2 211.5 208.6 216.6 216.1 211.1 7
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL663163003 217.7 236.1 236.2 229.3 211.2 221 236.2 258.2 268.4 8
Holding companies; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL733163005 1536.8 1532.2 1543.6 1539 1528.8 1475.4 1543.6 1546.9 1525.3 9
Other financial business; corporate and foreign bonds where the proceeds are down-streamed to broker-dealer subsidiaries by investment banks that are holding-company parents; liability FL503163003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Rest of the world; bonds; liability (2) LM263163005 3796.7 3387.5 3494.5 3449.6 3422.2 3356.7 3494.5 3538.1 3585.9 11
All sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; asset (3) FL893063005 15706.7 13529.8 14504.2 13953 14047.6 13700.4 14504.2 14836.2 14881.9 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM153063005 246.3 233.8 248.4 238.3 240.6 241.3 248.4 250.8 253.1 13
Equity real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM123063003 19.8 18.5 16.8 18 17.6 17.9 16.8 16.4 14.2 14
Federal government; corporate bonds issued by commercial banking under TARP; asset FL313063763 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 15
State and local governments; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM213063003 296.7 290.8 302.8 300.9 303 293.4 302.8 305.1 310.2 16
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM763063005 710.6 778.7 718 796.3 791.9 736.6 718 757.9 736.6 17
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; private MBS and CMOs; asset LM763063605 118.8 121.1 115.6 119.9 117.2 112.6 115.6 113.4 107.9 18
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding private MBS and CMOs; asset LM763063095 591.8 657.6 602.4 676.4 674.7 624 602.4 644.6 628.6 19
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM753063005 145.6 160.1 135 145.8 145.8 143 135 140.4 139.6 20
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM743063005 11.3 11.1 35.9 11.1 11 30.7 35.9 35.7 38.1 21
Credit unions; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM473063005 20.6 19.5 19.2 18.8 18.1 18.2 19.2 21.5 22.5 22
Credit unions; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM473063605 19.7 18.7 18.7 18.1 17.4 17.6 18.7 21.1 22.2 23
Credit unions; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM473063095 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 24
Property-casualty insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset LM513063005 702.4 649.2 712.3 683 680.8 669.1 712.3 732.8 742 25
Property-casualty insurance companies; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset LM513063605 152.4 128.1 141.8 134.6 134.1 131.5 141.8 146.2 148.1 26
Property-casualty insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM513063095 550.1 521.1 570.6 548.4 546.7 537.5 570.6 586.6 593.9 27
Life insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM543063005 3729 3232.7 3344.5 3344.5 3297.9 3167 3344.5 3382.7 3402 28
Life insurance companies, general accounts; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds, including those held by U.S. captive reinsurers; asset LM543063675 632.9 657.4 701.3 693.3 694.2 679.1 701.3 707.6 709.4 29
Life insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM543063095 3096.1 2575.3 2643.2 2651.2 2603.7 2487.9 2643.2 2675.1 2692.6 30
Private pension funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM573063005 1012.2 805.4 859.6 827.9 827.1 803.4 859.6 860.3 858.6 31
Federal government retirement funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM343063005 15 12.3 13.3 12.7 12.9 12.1 13.3 13.4 13.3 32
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM223063045 561.7 529.4 540.7 569 534.9 505.2 540.7 538 524.7 33
Money market funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL633063005 7.2 6.4 5.7 9.3 9.8 9.1 5.7 6 6.6 34
Mutual funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset (market value) LM653063005 2733.7 2129.1 2195.3 2167 2170.2 2111.7 2195.3 2280.2 2281.4 35
Closed-end funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM553063003 85.3 68.4 70.6 67.6 67.3 66 70.6 72.8 72.3 36
Exchange-traded funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM563063003 800 753.6 868.5 779.6 803.6 790.3 868.5 904.8 942 37
Government-sponsored enterprises; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM403063005 12.3 12.6 14.8 13.2 13.9 14.5 14.8 15 14.5 38
Government-sponsored enterprises; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM403063605 9.3 10.1 12.7 10.9 11.7 12.3 12.7 13 12.6 39
Government-sponsored enterprises; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM403063095 3 2.5 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 2 1.9 40
Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM613063003 68.3 52 28.3 40.9 38.3 35.3 28.3 29.1 28.6 41
Mortgage real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM643063073 11.9 9.9 10.9 9.8 9.6 10.1 10.9 11.1 11.5 42
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds (net); asset LM663063005 14.8 1.1 24 5.5 16 26.9 24 37.8 38.3 43
Holding companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset LM733063003 29.2 28.9 32 26.6 25.6 29.4 32 29.4 31.3 44
Other financial business; corporate and foreign bonds, including financial stabilization programs; asset FL503063005 70.9 69.6 70 72.3 71.9 70.9 70 75.9 76.1 45
Rest of the world; corporate bonds; asset (4) LM263063005 4401.6 3656.3 4237.1 3794.6 3939.1 3897.8 4237.1 4318.7 4324 46
Rest of the world; U.S. mortgage-backed securities and other U.S. asset-backed bonds; asset LM263063603 355.6 344.2 393 367.9 371.2 378.2 393 404.5 400.6 47
Rest of the world: U.S. corporate bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset LM263063095 4046 3312.1 3844 3426.8 3568 3519.7 3844 3914.2 3923.3 48
Instrument discrepancies; corporate and foreign bonds (level) (5) LM903063003 -302.3 1572.2 1096.5 1378 1295.5 1583.6 1096.5 992.7 1073.7 49


  1. Liabilities net of assets.
  2. Holdings of foreign issues by U.S. residents.
  3. For some sectors, holdings of MBS and other ABS are shown separately. MBS and other ABS include privately issued mortgage-backed securities and other privately issued asset-backed bonds.
  4. Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.
  5. The accumulated valuation difference between issuance and holdings.
Last Update: September 12, 2024