L.108 Domestic Financial Sectors (1)
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description Series code 2022 2023 2024 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 Line
Domestic financial sectors; total financial assets FL794090005 126799.5 135886.5 144106.9 130757.7 135886.5 139173.3 139845.5 144125.1 144106.9 1
Domestic financial sectors; interbank transactions; asset FL794010005 4159.1 4775.0 4301.6 4748.0 4775.0 5002.3 4693.7 4461.1 4301.6 2
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset FL793020005 764.9 708.7 765.2 674.7 708.7 679.4 700.0 737.1 765.2 3
Domestic financial sectors; total time and savings deposits; asset FL793030005 742.4 861.2 858.8 811.0 861.2 905.7 865.7 908.5 858.8 4
Domestic financial sectors; other deposits; asset FL793030505 21.9 32.1 19.8 39.9 32.1 29.4 30.1 19.3 19.8 5
Domestic financial sectors; money market fund shares; asset FL793034005 1015.1 1066.5 1168.9 1069.3 1066.5 1073.2 1084.5 1122.8 1168.9 6
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset FL792050005 5391.8 5326.7 5398.6 5569.3 5326.7 5109.8 5361.4 5640.4 5398.6 7
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; asset FL794022005 31069.1 32468.4 34354.7 30752.1 32468.4 32863.8 32746.5 34424.6 34354.7 8
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; asset FL793069175 584.8 676.0 737.9 625.3 676.0 676.7 640.5 658.9 737.9 9
Domestic financial sectors; Treasury securities; asset FL793061105 11147.5 12027.2 13076.4 11199.7 12027.2 12265.4 12132.7 12802.8 13076.4 10
Domestic financial sectors; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL793061705 7900.4 8024.1 8170.9 7703.1 8024.1 7956.6 7933.0 8293.4 8170.9 11
Domestic financial sectors; municipal securities; asset FL793062005 2102.1 2062.0 2068.0 1981.1 2062.0 2038.7 2039.3 2080.2 2068.0 12
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL793063005 9334.3 9679.1 10301.5 9242.9 9679.1 9926.5 10001.1 10589.3 10301.5 13
Domestic financial sectors; loans; asset FL794023005 32792.0 33877.0 35104.0 33398.2 33877.0 33903.5 34237.7 34499.9 35104.0 14
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FL793068005 4770.6 4807.6 5161.2 4759.0 4807.6 4809.0 4890.3 4915.2 5161.2 15
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; asset FL793069005 5670.0 5956.4 6358.4 5727.0 5956.4 5947.6 6035.5 6097.5 6358.4 16
Domestic financial sectors; total mortgages; asset FL793065005 18999.1 19606.3 20168.1 19466.9 19606.3 19697.4 19832.6 19991.0 20168.1 17
Domestic financial sectors; consumer credit; asset FL793066005 3352.3 3506.8 3416.3 3445.3 3506.8 3449.6 3479.2 3496.3 3416.3 18
Domestic financial sectors; U.S. direct investment abroad: intercompany debt; asset (market value) LM793092305 -14.4 -11.9 -24.6 -11.9 -11.9 -9.8 -15.6 -18.2 -24.6 19
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; asset LM793064105 24988.1 29726.4 34599.5 26841.3 29726.4 32218.8 32724.0 34550.6 34599.5 20
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; asset (IMA) LM793081115 3925.7 4266.3 4413.4 4121.6 4266.3 4393.5 4392.8 4537.5 4413.4 21
Domestic financial sectors; mutual fund shares; asset LM793064205 6009.9 6840.4 7378.4 6280.9 6840.4 7207.0 7242.7 7538.9 7378.4 22
Domestic financial sectors; life insurance reserves; asset FL793040005 561.0 608.6 622.4 595.7 608.6 614.1 618.1 620.6 622.4 23
Life insurance companies; pension entitlements reserve credit from reinsurers; asset FL543050005 484.2 575.0 594.2 552.3 575.0 583.8 588.0 591.3 594.2 24
Domestic financial sectors; trade receivables; asset FL793070005 438.3 494.8 542.4 478.7 494.8 511.1 522.2 531.3 542.4 25
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous assets FL793090005 14450.6 14271.1 14009.8 14836.6 14271.1 14087.6 14053.7 13959.4 14009.8 26
Domestic financial sectors; total liabilities and equity FL794194005 131624.7 140779.5 150778.6 135704.6 140779.5 144855.5 145609.4 149880.8 150778.6 27
Domestic financial sectors; total liabilities FL794190005 114850.1 121633.5 127385.5 118358.1 121633.5 124228.3 124580.2 127190.6 127385.5 28
Domestic financial sectors; interbank transactions; liability FL794110005 4512.8 5302.2 4882.1 5172.4 5302.2 5467.9 5191.6 4932.2 4882.1 29
Domestic financial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; liability FL793120005 9809.8 9889.7 10400.2 9690.3 9889.7 10205.1 10071.3 10310.4 10400.2 30
Private depository institutions; total time and savings deposits; liability FL703130005 13812.3 13663.1 13710.0 13556.4 13663.1 13659.1 13553.1 13667.8 13710.0 31
Government-sponsored enterprises; U.S.-chartered depository institutions deposits at Federal Home Loan Banks; liability FL403197033 10.4 13.2 14.5 13.3 13.2 12.8 12.8 13.9 14.5 32
Money market funds; total financial assets FL634090005 5223.1 6357.6 7243.2 6143.0 6357.6 6440.7 6548.4 6839.1 7243.2 33
Domestic financial sectors; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; liability FL792150005 5403.2 4553.7 4210.4 5007.0 4553.7 4333.1 4566.4 4435.3 4210.4 34
Domestic financial sectors; debt securities; liability FL794122005 16852.6 17348.3 17954.6 17154.9 17348.3 17495.4 17593.9 17871.2 17954.6 35
Domestic financial sectors; open market paper; liability FL793169175 674.3 688.1 737.8 699.8 688.1 697.9 705.4 738.7 737.8 36
GSEs and agency- and GSE-backed mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability FL423161705 11658.8 11955.8 12228.7 11919.2 11955.8 11953.7 12037.2 12117.5 12228.7 37
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL793163005 4519.6 4704.5 4988.0 4535.8 4704.5 4843.8 4851.3 5015.0 4988.0 38
Domestic financial sectors; loans; liability FL794123005 2463.7 2316.0 2332.7 2303.2 2316.0 2287.4 2275.1 2366.3 2332.7 39
Domestic financial sectors; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL793168005 440.2 427.1 618.4 425.9 427.1 442.8 411.7 428.7 618.4 40
Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability FL793169005 2023.5 1888.9 1714.3 1877.3 1888.9 1844.6 1863.5 1937.6 1714.3 41
Domestic financial sectors; foreign direct investment in U.S.: intercompany debt; liability (market value) LM793192305 121.2 120.0 110.8 126.3 120.0 122.8 116.4 106.2 110.8 42
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability LM653164205 17333.4 19599.7 21684.7 18106.6 19599.7 20830.7 20994.6 22028.1 21684.7 43
Life insurance companies; life insurance reserves; liability FL543140005 2398.9 2468.2 2536.5 2450.0 2468.2 2510.7 2525.7 2541.7 2536.5 44
Insurance companies and pension funds; pension entitlements; liability FL583150005 28597.5 30711.7 32472.3 29658.5 30711.7 31509.2 31760.5 32445.5 32472.3 45
Domestic financial sectors; trade payables; liability FL793170005 515.9 629.8 702.5 603.9 629.8 647.4 655.8 679.8 702.5 46
Domestic financial sectors; taxes payable (net); liability FL793178005 69.8 99.3 110.2 70.8 99.3 87.7 98.8 125.0 110.2 47
Domestic financial sectors; total miscellaneous liabilities FL793190005 7725.8 8561.3 9020.8 8301.7 8561.3 8618.3 8615.7 8828.2 9020.8 48
Domestic financial sectors; equity and investment fund shares excluding mutual fund shares and money market fund shares; liability (IMA) FL793181105 16774.6 19146.1 23393.1 17346.6 19146.1 20627.2 21029.2 22690.1 23393.1 49
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; liability LM793164105 12762.6 14812.2 18563.7 13137.0 14812.2 16134.1 16459.9 17937.5 18563.7 50
Domestic financial sectors; other equity; liability (IMA) LM793181115 4012.0 4333.9 4829.4 4209.5 4333.9 4493.1 4569.3 4752.7 4829.4 51


  1. Sum of financial sectors shown on tables L.109 through L.132.
Last Update: March 13, 2025