Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1
L.4.s Net Stocks of Fixed Assets, current cost
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description | Series code | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 Q3 | 2023 Q4 | 2024 Q1 | 2024 Q2 | 2024 Q3 | 2024 Q4 | Line |
All domestic sectors; gross fixed investment, current cost basis | FL885019865 | 86709.1 | 88932.3 | 91619.2 | 88027.8 | 88932.3 | 89344.2 | 90058.6 | 91004.0 | 91619.2 | 1 |
All domestic sectors; gross fixed investment, structures, current cost basis | FL885019665 | 70507.8 | 71848.7 | 73575.2 | 71133.9 | 71848.7 | 72008.3 | 72501.8 | 73189.9 | 73575.2 | 2 |
All domestic sectors; gross fixed investment, equipment, current cost basis | FL885019265 | 9990.5 | 10400.6 | 10783.9 | 10330.5 | 10400.6 | 10526.1 | 10606.3 | 10712.6 | 10783.9 | 3 |
All domestic sectors; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL885013765 | 6210.8 | 6683.1 | 7260.1 | 6563.3 | 6683.1 | 6809.8 | 6950.6 | 7101.6 | 7260.1 | 4 |
All domestic sectors; nonresidential software, current cost basis | FL885013365 | 1200.1 | 1300.6 | 1469.7 | 1278.7 | 1300.6 | 1321.0 | 1373.2 | 1429.5 | 1469.7 | 5 |
All domestic sectors; nonresidential research and development, current cost basis | FL885013465 | 4365.2 | 4699.6 | 5086.3 | 4614.8 | 4699.6 | 4791.4 | 4878.0 | 4969.9 | 5086.3 | 6 |
Private domestic sectors; nonresidential entertainment, literary, and artistic originals, current cost basis | FL835013565 | 645.5 | 682.9 | 704.2 | 669.8 | 682.9 | 697.5 | 699.3 | 702.1 | 704.2 | 7 |
All domestic sectors; gross fixed investment, current cost basis | FL885019865 | 86709.1 | 88932.3 | 91619.2 | 88027.8 | 88932.3 | 89344.2 | 90058.6 | 91004.0 | 91619.2 | 8 |
Households and nonprofit organizations; structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis (Fixed assets basis) | FL155015015 | 30696.8 | 31216.9 | 32230.9 | 30850.1 | 31216.9 | 31272.0 | 31628.4 | 31983.4 | 32230.9 | 9 |
Nonfinancial corporate business; structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis (includes used car premium and REITs residential structures) | FL105015085 | 23335.6 | 24224.4 | 25097.5 | 23945.6 | 24224.4 | 24390.7 | 24610.8 | 24903.6 | 25097.5 | 10 |
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis (NIPA basis) | FL115015005 | 9855.7 | 10094.2 | 10218.0 | 9977.3 | 10094.2 | 10078.7 | 10129.5 | 10193.9 | 10218.0 | 11 |
Federal government; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) | FL315015005 | 4454.7 | 4594.5 | 4756.6 | 4557.3 | 4594.5 | 4637.0 | 4676.7 | 4712.4 | 4756.6 | 12 |
State and local governments; net fixed investment (NIPA basis) | FL215015005 | 15849.3 | 16241.7 | 16694.6 | 16152.9 | 16241.7 | 16398.7 | 16428.2 | 16599.9 | 16694.6 | 13 |
Domestic financial sectors; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) (1) | FL795013865 | 2517.0 | 2560.6 | 2621.6 | 2544.5 | 2560.6 | 2567.2 | 2585.0 | 2610.8 | 2621.6 | 14 |
Monetary authority; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL715013865 | 14.8 | 14.9 | 15.0 | 14.8 | 14.9 | 14.8 | 14.9 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 15 |
Private depository institutions; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL705013865 | 697.0 | 714.7 | 737.2 | 708.2 | 714.7 | 717.3 | 723.8 | 732.7 | 737.2 | 16 |
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL765013865 | 503.2 | 504.0 | 520.7 | 502.4 | 504.0 | 506.0 | 510.8 | 517.3 | 520.7 | 17 |
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL755013865 | 93.9 | 108.0 | 110.9 | 104.2 | 108.0 | 108.3 | 109.2 | 110.4 | 110.9 | 18 |
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL745013865 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.2 | 19 |
Credit unions; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL475013865 | 97.8 | 100.6 | 103.3 | 99.6 | 100.6 | 100.9 | 101.7 | 102.8 | 103.3 | 20 |
Property-casualty insurance companies; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL515013865 | 230.8 | 233.8 | 239.2 | 232.5 | 233.8 | 234.1 | 235.8 | 238.3 | 239.2 | 21 |
Life insurance companies; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL545013865 | 199.3 | 203.3 | 209.3 | 201.9 | 203.3 | 203.9 | 205.7 | 208.0 | 209.3 | 22 |
Private pension funds; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL575013865 | 5.2 | 7.9 | 9.9 | 7.2 | 7.9 | 8.4 | 8.9 | 9.4 | 9.9 | 23 |
State and local government employee retirement funds; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL225013865 | 16.8 | 20.6 | 25.7 | 19.5 | 20.6 | 21.8 | 23.1 | 24.5 | 25.7 | 24 |
Government-sponsored enterprises; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL405013865 | 4.4 | 4.8 | 4.7 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.7 | 4.7 | 4.7 | 4.7 | 25 |
Issuers of asset-backed securities; consumer leases | FL675013263 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 26 |
Finance companies; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products excluding securitized equipment, current cost basis | FL615013865 | 525.7 | 519.9 | 516.7 | 522.4 | 519.9 | 520.0 | 518.9 | 519.1 | 516.7 | 27 |
Security brokers and dealers; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL665013865 | 303.7 | 320.2 | 340.9 | 315.2 | 320.2 | 323.6 | 329.3 | 336.2 | 340.9 | 28 |
Holding companies; nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis | FL735013865 | 519.4 | 520.5 | 522.9 | 518.2 | 520.5 | 518.6 | 519.9 | 523.0 | 522.9 | 29 |
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis (2) | FL155111005 | 7635.5 | 7860.4 | 8173.8 | 7832.8 | 7860.4 | 7953.2 | 8002.8 | 8059.5 | 8173.8 | 30 |
Nonfinancial business; inventories (3) | FL145020005 | 3775.5 | 3751.3 | 3840.5 | 3766.4 | 3751.3 | 3783.9 | 3790.1 | 3810.6 | 3840.5 | 31 |
- Domestic financial subsector detail are based on FRB staff estimates.
- Consumer durable goods are not included above, consistent with their treatment in the NIPAs. In Financial Accounts, consumer durables are included in household sector fixed investment (table B.101, line 8).
- Not included above.
Last Update: March 13, 2025