Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1
Financial Accounts Matrix--Levels for 2024
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted
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Description |
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Assets |
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Liabilities |
Nonfinancial Business; Assets |
Nonfinancial Business; Liabilities |
Federal Government; Assets |
Federal Government; Liabilities |
State and Local Governments; Assets |
State and Local Governments; Liabilities |
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors; Assets |
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors; Liabilities |
Domestic Financial Sectors; Assets |
Domestic Financial Sectors; Liabilities |
Rest of the World; Assets |
Rest of the World; Liabilities |
All Sectors; Assets |
All Sectors; Liabilities |
Instrument Discrep- ancy; |
Total financial assets | 128869.9 | -- | 40657.9 | -- | 4535.8 | -- | 5136.1 | -- | 179199.8 | -- | 144106.9 | -- | 56625.1 | -- | 379931.8 | -- | -1559.2 |
Total liabilities and equity | -- | 20790.3 | -- | 133325 | -- | 33893 | -- | 7693.9 | -- | 195702.3 | -- | 150778.6 | -- | 31891.7 | -- | 378372.6 | -- |
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities | -- | 20790.3 | -- | 41479.1 | -- | 33893 | -- | 7693.9 | -- | 103856.3 | -- | 127385.5 | -- | 10096.3 | -- | 241338.1 | -- |
Monetary gold and SDRs | -- | -- | -- | -- | 852.8 | 149.8 | -- | -- | 852.8 | 149.8 | 28.3 | -- | 149.8 | 166.9 | 1002.6 | 316.7 | -685.9 |
Interbank assets and liabilities | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 4301.6 | 4882.1 | 1893.6 | 1296.9 | 6195.2 | 6179 | -16.2 |
Checkable dep. and currency | 4905.6 | -- | 2400.8 | -- | 728.4 | 53.1 | 390.6 | -- | 8425.4 | 53.1 | 765.2 | 10400.2 | 1257.9 | -- | 10448.5 | 10453.3 | 4.8 |
Time and savings deposits | 9883.2 | -- | 1883.4 | -- | 1.5 | -- | 374.1 | -- | 12142.2 | -- | 858.8 | 13710 | 709.1 | -- | 13710 | 13710 | -- |
Other deposits | 54.3 | -- | 209.2 | -- | 42.2 | -- | -- | -- | 305.7 | -- | 19.8 | 14.5 | -- | 1000.3 | 325.5 | 1014.8 | 689.3 |
Money market fund shares | 4599.7 | -- | 1178.2 | -- | -- | -- | 83.4 | -- | 5861.2 | -- | 1168.9 | 7243.2 | 213.1 | -- | 7243.2 | 7243.2 | -- |
Fed. Funds and security repos | -- | -- | 41.3 | -- | 0.8 | -- | 233.3 | -- | 275.5 | -- | 5398.6 | 4210.4 | 1383 | 1612.2 | 7057 | 5822.6 | -1234.4 |
Debt securities | 6134.9 | 214.5 | 488.9 | 8501.9 | 3.6 | 28159.9 | 2633.9 | 3340.9 | 9261.4 | 40217.2 | 34354.7 | 17954.6 | 14460.8 | 3832 | 58076.9 | 62003.8 | 3926.9 |
Debt securities; Open market paper | -- | -- | 202.6 | 196.6 | -- | -- | 245.4 | -- | 448 | 196.6 | 737.9 | 737.8 | 137.4 | 389 | 1323.4 | 1323.4 | -- |
Debt securities; Treasury securities | 2681.9 | -- | 200.6 | -- | -- | 28139.5 | 1572.3 | -- | 4454.9 | 28139.5 | 13076.4 | -- | 8494.1 | -- | 26025.4 | 28139.5 | 2114.1 |
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. | 1384.7 | -- | 38.7 | -- | -- | 20.5 | 450.4 | -- | 1873.8 | 20.5 | 8170.9 | 12228.7 | 1359.6 | -- | 11404.3 | 12249.2 | 844.9 |
Debt securities; Municipal securities | 1829.5 | 214.5 | 33.3 | 632.7 | -- | -- | 50.6 | 3340.9 | 1913.5 | 4188 | 2068 | -- | 115.5 | -- | 4097 | 4188 | 91 |
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. bonds | 238.8 | -- | 13.6 | 7672.6 | 3.6 | -- | 315.2 | -- | 571.2 | 7672.6 | 10301.5 | 4988 | 4354.2 | 3443.1 | 15226.9 | 16103.7 | 876.8 |
Loans | 1170.6 | 19981 | 218.9 | 13051 | 2272.4 | 3456.8 | 327.7 | 25 | 3989.7 | 36513.7 | 35104 | 2332.7 | 1110 | 1357.2 | 40203.7 | 40203.7 | -- |
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. | -- | 351 | -- | 2870.4 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 3221.4 | 5161.2 | 618.4 | -- | 1321.5 | 5161.2 | 5161.2 | -- |
Loans; Other loans and advances | 1083.7 | 822.4 | -- | 3166 | 569.5 | 3456.8 | 98.6 | 25 | 1751.8 | 7470.2 | 6358.4 | 1714.3 | 1110 | 35.7 | 9220.2 | 9220.2 | -- |
Loans; Mortgages | 69 | 13818.7 | 183.2 | 7014.6 | 183.9 | -- | 229.1 | -- | 665.2 | 20833.3 | 20168.1 | -- | -- | -- | 20833.3 | 20833.3 | -- |
Loans; Consumer credit | 17.9 | 4988.9 | 35.8 | -- | 1518.9 | -- | -- | -- | 1572.6 | 4988.9 | 3416.3 | -- | -- | -- | 4988.9 | 4988.9 | -- |
U.S. direct investment: debt | -- | -- | -89.4 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -89.4 | -- | -24.6 | -- | -- | -114 | -114 | -114 | -- |
Foreign direct investment: debt | -- | -- | -- | 400.7 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 400.7 | -- | 110.8 | 511.6 | -- | 511.6 | 511.6 | -- |
Corporate equities | 37661.6 | -- | 3889.1 | 62312.8 | 33.2 | -- | 174.8 | -- | 41758.7 | 62312.8 | 34599.5 | 18563.7 | 16494 | 11975.7 | 92852.2 | 92852.2 | -- |
U.S. direct investment: equity | -- | -- | 8090.7 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 8090.7 | -- | 1650.1 | -- | -- | 9740.8 | 9740.8 | 9740.8 | -- |
Foreign direct investment: equity | -- | -- | -- | 14133.7 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 14133.7 | -- | 1900.8 | 16034.5 | -- | 16034.5 | 16034.5 | -- |
Miscellaneous other equity | 15540 | -- | 21.2 | 15399.4 | 82.4 | -- | -- | -- | 15643.6 | 15399.4 | 2763.3 | 2928.6 | -- | 78.9 | 18406.9 | 18406.9 | -- |
Mutual fund shares | 12399.1 | -- | 326.4 | -- | -- | -- | 92.4 | -- | 12817.9 | -- | 7378.4 | 21684.7 | 1488.5 | -- | 21684.7 | 21684.7 | -- |
Life insurance reserves | 2119.6 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 56.5 | -- | -- | 2119.6 | 56.5 | 622.4 | 2536.5 | 0.4 | 149.4 | 2742.4 | 2742.4 | -- |
Pension entitlements | 32207.8 | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | 32207.8 | -- | 594.2 | 32472.3 | 1.3 | 331 | 32803.3 | 32803.3 | -- |
Trade credit | 443.9 | 557.6 | 6225.2 | 4477 | 108.3 | 550.8 | 313.4 | 1369.3 | 7090.9 | 6954.7 | 542.4 | 702.5 | 741 | 98 | 8374.3 | 7755.2 | -619 |
Taxes payable | -- | -- | -- | 452.8 | 410.2 | -- | 298.7 | -- | 708.9 | 452.8 | -- | 110.2 | -- | -- | 708.9 | 562.9 | -146 |
Miscellaneous | 1749.5 | 37.2 | 15774 | 14595.7 | -- | 1466.1 | 213.8 | 2958.8 | 17737.3 | 19057.8 | 14009.8 | 9020.8 | 176.5 | 366.2 | 31923.6 | 28444.8 | -3478.8 |
- General notes: A = assets; L = liabilities. Domestic nonfinancial sectors (columns 9 and 10) are households and nonprofit organizations, nonfinancial business, state and local governments, and federal government. Equity included in line 2 is the sum of corporate equities (line 24),# U.S. direct investment abroad equity (line 25), foreign direct investment in the U.S. equity (line 26), and miscellaneous other equity (line 27). The matrix shows a discrepancy in column 17 for monetary gold (line 4) because by international accounting convention, monetary gold# is a financial asset without a corresponding liability.
Last Update: March 13, 2025