Public Meeting Regarding Norwest Corporation and Wells Fargo & Company

Held on Thursday, September 17, 1998, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Transcript of the Public Meeting held on September 17, 1998, on the application of Norwest Corporation to merge with Wells Fargo & Company. Transcripts and exhibits are presented by speaker panel; they are also presented in their entirety after the last panel.

Complete Thursday transcript | Complete Thursday exhibits (7 MB PDF)

Thursday, September 17, 1998
Opening Remarks Dolores Smith, Presiding Officer, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Applicant Presentation Paul Hazen, Chairman and CEO, Wells Fargo & Company, San Francisco, California
Leslie S. Biller, President and COO, Norwest Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Exhibits (433 KB PDF)
Panel One James P. Jacobson, Assistant Attorney General, State of Minnesota, Office of the Attorney General, St. Paul, Minnesota (appearing on behalf of Attorney General Hubert Humphrey)
Karen Clark, Minnesota House of Representatives, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Malcolm Curley, Office of Contracts and Grants, The Navajo Nation Council, Window Rock, Arizona
Exhibits (403 KB PDF)
Panel Two Kirsten Bansen, Minnesota Housing Partnership, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Bryant, Chairman and CEO, Operation Hope: Urban Economic Empowerment, Bryant Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles, California
Anne Haines Yatskowitz, President and CEO, ACCION New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Clive Rainey, Development Officer, Habitat for Humanity, Americus, Georgia
Deborah Sawyeur-Parks, President and CEO, Oregon Corporation for Affordable Housing, Portland, Oregon
Suzy Wheeler, Education Coordinator, Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Exhibits (726 KB PDF)
Panel Three Marcia Erickson, Minnesota ACORN, St. Paul, Minnesota
Marilyn Whitfield, Board Member and Co-chair of the North Minneapolis Chapter, Minnesota ACORN, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jordan Ash, Loan Counseling Coordination, Minnesota ACORN, St. Paul, Minnesota
Alton Bennett, Board Member and Chair of the Banking & Housing Committee, Minnesota ACORN, St. Paul, Minnesota
Exhibits (58 MB PDF)
Panel Four Robert Gnaizda, Policy Director and General Counsel, Greenlining Institute, San Francisco, California
George Dean, President and CEO, Greater Phoenix Urban League, Phoenix, Arizona
Jorge Correlejo, Boardmember, Latin Business Association, Los Angeles, California
Gelly Borromeo, Publisher, Asian Enterprise Magazine
George Bivins, President, Black Business Association of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Pheng Lee, Secretary, Hmong American Political Association, Fresno, California
Cheng Thao, Marketing Cooperative, The Hmong American Community, Inc., Fresno, California
Exhibits (152 KB PDF)
Panel Five Amelia Kalant, The Community Reinvestment and Development Task Force, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Marv Kamp, Wisconsin Rural Development Corporation, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Brenda LaBlanc, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, Des Moines, Iowa
Adam Holdorf, Washington Reinvestment Alliance, Seattle, Washington (remarks presented by Brenda LaBlanc)
Ferol Wegner, Citizens for Community Improvement of Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa
Exhibits (174 KB PDF)
Panel Six George Brantley, Executive Director, Hope Center Children's Program, Denver, Colorado
Pete Garcia, President and CEO, Chicanos Por La Causa, Phoenix, Arizona
Autumn J. Gold, Home Mortgage Coordinator, Atlantis Community, Inc., Denver, Colorado
Pierre Jimenez, Interim Executive Director, Denver Community Television, Denver, Colorado
Mary Tingerthal, President and CEO, National Equity Fund, Chicago, Illinois
Exhibits (650 KB PDF)
Panel Seven Dana Wise, AFL-CIO/CLC, United Steelworkers of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Joyce Gallardo, Local Union 3267, United Steelworkers of America, Pueblo, Colorado
Howard Pacheco, Local Union 2102, United Steelworkers America, Pueblo, Colorado
Jan Pacheco, Local Union 2102, United Steelworkers, America, Pueblo, Colorado
Mary Rosenthal, Minnesota AFL-CIO
Matthew Lee, Inner City Press/Community on the Move and Inner City Public Interest Law Center, Bronx, New York (remarks presented by Marv Kamp)
Exhibits (2.2 MB PDF)
Panel Eight Karen Caplan, President, Frieda's, Inc., Los Alamitos, California
Allen McGill, President, Black State Employees Association of Texas, Inc., Dallas, Texas
Dr. Darren Reagan, Chairman and CEO, Black State Employees Association of Texas, Inc., Dallas, Texas
Jim Reid, President, Southern Dallas Development Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Kelby Grovender, Director of Anishabe Wakigan, American Indian Housing Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Exhibits (590 KB PDF)
Panel Nine Charles Finn, Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lilly Mendoza, delivering remarks on behalf of Rapid City Housing Coalition and Young Women's Unity Association, Rapid City, South Dakota
Leola Seals, Minneapolis NAACP, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Exhibits (455 KB PDF)
Panel Ten Ronald Cody, President, Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Steve Cramer, Executive Director, Project for Pride in Living, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jerry Cutts, Executive Director, Development Corporation for Children, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thomas P. Fulton, President, Family Housing Fund, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jim Watt, Executive Director, Twin Cities Neighborhood Housing Services, St. Paul, Minnesota
Exhibits (110 KB PDF)
Panel Eleven Danielle Nugent, delivering remarks on behalf of the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Stephen Tatum, Sr., President, New Century One Community Lending Cooperative, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ann Therkelson, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Exhibits (98 KB PDF)
Panel Twelve Roger A. Jensen, Anoka Sherburne County Capital Fund, Anoka County Economic Development Partnership, Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Warren McLean, President and CEO, Metropolitan Economic Development Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Curt Milburn, Project Director, Phalen Corridor Initiative, St. Paul, Minnesota
Jim Shreffler, Lutheran Social Service Loan Fund, Duluth, Minnesota
Exhibits (797 KB PDF)
Panel Thirteen Zula Young, Rondo Community Land Trust, St. Paul, Minnesota
Richard Ernest, Ernest Farm, Minnesota Lake, Minnesota
Chantha R. Koy, Mortgage Counselor, Powderhorn Residents Group, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Mary Vitela, Stevens Realty, St. Paul, Minnesota
Exhibits (102 KB PDF)
Last Update: March 15, 2017