Code Implemeting AMA

MATLAB (Linux and Windows)


Code for solving linear rational expectations models along with a parser for model input


Code for solving linear rational expectations models as specified for input to Christopher Sims' gensys routine

EViews (Windows)

Instructions for using the R implementation of AMA in Eviews


"R" AMA Package (Linux and Windows)

Code for solving linear rational expectations models, along with a parser for model input
(Also available from the Comprehensive "R" Archive Network)


"C" (Linux and Windows)

C source code for the sparse matrix implementation of AMA used in the R-AMA package


Mathematica (Linux and Windows)

Code for solving linear rational expectations models, along with a parser for model input. (The symbolicAMA package uses symbolic algebra to compute analytic solutions for small models; the numericAMA package uses high precision arithmetic to compute high precision numeric solutions.)

Last Update: March 16, 2017