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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Banks in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: April 2010

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Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners Reported by Banks in the United States (3.18) 1
Payable in U.S. Dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Area or country 2006 2007 2008 Aug 2009/r Sep 2009/r Oct 2009/r Nov 2009/r Dec 2009/r Jan 2010/r Feb 2010/p
1 Total, all foreigners 2,291,340 2,795,389 2,537,936 2,894,381 2,890,172 2,843,513 2,893,681 2,843,903 2,805,806 2,843,801
2 Foreign countries 2,282,166 2,783,758 2,534,728 2,889,849 2,884,605 2,835,998 2,886,378 2,837,208 2,798,009 2,836,738
3 Europe 1,188,919 1,590,249 1,302,085 1,458,293 1,470,407 1,399,173 1,440,333 1,387,670 1,386,821 1,402,817
4 Austria 4,277 4,055 4,186 3,018 3,195 3,931 2,666 2,439 3,261 3,297
5 Belgium 13,592 20,566 14,154 13,813 17,504 14,501 13,003 11,522 9,758 8,537
6 Denmark 1,156 2,828 909 1,926 868 1,511 1,281 392 329 788
7 Finland 9,434 28,445 20,422 21,005 21,993 24,497 24,607 37,927 28,187 23,492
8 France 112,406 163,133 146,895 151,865 153,574 137,434 154,267 142,142 152,269 151,816
9 Germany 18,189 34,724 38,704 85,649 76,213 59,262 50,471 46,417 43,403 37,349
10 Greece 250 110 183 115 101 99 184 106 149 115
11 Ireland 24,304 45,960 64,321 55,479 55,571 54,471 54,724 54,027 47,237 43,870
12 Italy 30,991 35,870 43,254 35,022 45,520 40,829 44,044 42,369 43,218 45,160
13 Luxembourg 7,144 13,260 9,615 17,445 21,291 18,731 18,541 21,740 18,679 16,760
14 Netherlands 29,578 52,122 48,409 57,962 52,514 50,062 49,090 37,977 40,405 38,182
15 Norway 31,032 22,684 9,913 5,850 7,236 6,998 8,058 9,245 7,609 5,299
16 Portugal 924 1,364 1,281 1,272 1,088 1,072 1,301 1,894 1,500 1,225
17 Russia 1,745 1,800 1,967 1,316 1,726 1,230 1,135 1,214 1,156 1,125
18 Spain 9,834 20,448 45,802 33,670 39,707 33,864 35,088 37,058 39,669 39,457
19 Sweden 8,907 7,279 6,444 2,656 3,037 3,335 3,746 4,360 4,160 3,569
20 Switzerland 105,368 191,970 93,003 82,081 78,736 69,087 68,357 66,978 63,771 66,499
21 Turkey 3,741 3,426 3,353 3,267 3,136 3,142 3,142 3,132 3,201 3,253
22 United Kingdom 732,430 901,543 738,286 871,950 873,651 861,213 891,240 854,270 864,909 901,472
23 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 36,893 24,357 6,199 8,327 9,441 9,182 9,760 8,743 9,516 7,794
24 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.2 6,724 14,306 4,785 4,604 4,306 4,722 5,628 3,718 4,435 3,759
25 European Union3 1,008,255 1,344,446 1,185,607 1,356,064 1,368,473 1,307,922 1,347,957 1,297,029 1,300,118 1,317,637
26 Canada 71,325 85,145 93,157 87,671 85,261 95,618 96,406 100,545 106,382 108,003
27 Latin America 59,195 83,042 92,867 84,360 87,476 85,996 84,376 87,144 86,035 89,744
28 Argentina 2,763 3,978 4,055 3,678 3,767 3,445 3,245 3,423 3,226 3,168
29 Brazil 19,894 30,340 33,000 31,854 33,668 31,093 29,074 30,330 28,935 33,085
30 Chile 6,689 8,849 9,512 10,701 11,481 12,253 12,672 14,063 13,895 14,000
31 Columbia 2,900 3,567 3,699 2,487 2,610 2,786 2,969 3,278 3,184 3,319
32 Ecuador 604 962 800 564 559 515 499 491 527 532
33 Guatemala 1,031 1,314 1,259 1,016 1,054 1,048 1,008 1,023 971 995
34 Mexico 16,569 21,783 26,465 23,369 23,046 22,965 23,629 23,660 24,361 24,058
35 Panama 2,316 3,859 4,717 3,292 3,577 3,788 3,429 3,019 2,933 2,867
36 Peru 1,446 2,995 4,255 2,991 2,900 3,251 3,204 3,092 3,597 3,460
37 Uruguay 355 338 375 377 1,048 826 473 703 601 497
38 Venezuala 2,281 2,335 1,496 1,481 1,403 1,411 1,441 1,409 1,378 1,382
39 Other Latin America4 2,347 2,722 3,234 2,550 2,363 2,615 2,733 2,653 2,427 2,381
40 Caribbean 724,316 801,309 898,781 996,583 976,382 983,217 995,600 977,283 932,497 948,423
41 Bahamas 120,904 151,187 213,812 140,467 157,543 160,597 156,098 181,176 156,628 161,578
42 Bermuda 17,777 10,651 13,013 6,846 8,547 8,570 8,269 8,719 7,808 7,762
43 British Virgin Islands4 2,807 3,328 5,837 5,265 5,977 5,735 6,298 5,293 5,745 5,629
44 Cayman Islands 572,273 622,637 647,539 827,921 789,967 791,107 806,878 764,359 743,107 754,659
45 Jamaica 669 657 781 423 419 406 384 424 421 398
46 Netherlands Antilles 2,484 4,114 5,741 6,330 4,387 6,818 7,513 6,503 7,407 6,772
47 Trinidad and Tobago 1,055 673 725 560 505 462 513 523 493 481
48 Other Caribbean4 6,347 8,062 11,333 8,771 9,037 9,522 9,647 10,286 10,888 11,144
49 Asia 221,858 185,695 118,689 230,689 235,998 236,396 232,807 244,160 248,675 249,803
50 Mainland 15,448 18,489 2,580 5,457 4,035 6,780 4,175 3,489 9,167 10,095
51 Hong Kong 6,888 8,820 12,201 9,006 12,484 15,293 13,489 20,517 20,196 21,627
52 India 2,827 4,385 5,467 7,378 7,189 7,536 7,564 7,242 7,602 8,565
53 Indonesia 519 985 1,049 847 881 888 799 709 619 582
54 Israel 5,319 3,724 1,772 3,437 3,498 2,587 2,590 2,904 3,257 2,904
55 Japan 140,329 83,652 63,036 165,906 168,977 159,942 155,057 153,899 154,335 155,603
56 Korea (South) 24,484 27,383 11,432 12,410 10,675 13,465 14,433 14,430 19,185 18,947
57 Philippines 996 1,207 1,024 915 1,204 947 1,272 871 1,032 941
58 Taiwan 3,166 1,222 1,106 1,376 991 1,904 3,008 2,615 2,346 2,287
59 Thailand 5,729 5,960 90 236 188 147 237 192 210 202
60 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 10,579 23,160 10,296 14,295 16,782 14,277 16,587 21,423 15,201 12,280
60 Other 5,574 6,708 8,636 9,426 9,094 12,630 13,596 15,869 15,525 15,770
62 Africa 1,853 8,164 5,177 6,772 7,176 6,566 7,441 7,400 6,820 6,184
63 Egypt 597 312 417 844 739 320 360 333 298 324
64 Morocco 56 27 3 4 4 3 7 8 9 26
65 South Africa 255 493 620 315 733 420 509 1,367 710 503
66 Oil-exporting countries6 403 442 761 280 283 286 266 248 230 239
67 Other 542 6,890 3,376 5,329 5,417 5,537 6,299 5,444 5,573 5,092
68 Other countries 14,700 30,154 23,972 25,481 21,905 29,032 29,415 33,006 30,779 31,764
69 Australia 13,195 28,716 22,609 24,408 20,923 27,697 28,037 31,583 29,449 29,862
70 New Zealand 1,263 1,122 766 502 419 769 799 850 757 1,324
71 All Other 242 316 597 571 563 566 579 573 573 578
72 International and regional organzations7 9,174 11,631 3,208 4,532 5,567 7,515 7,303 6,695 7,797 7,063
  1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as bank/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border brokerage balances. Effective December 2008, data includes a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies.   Return to table
  2. For data prior to June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table
  3. As of May 2004, the European Union includes, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data available beginning in June 2006. As of January 2007, also includes Bulgaria and Romania.   Return to table
  4. Before June 2006, data for the British Virgin Islands were included in "Other Caribbean."   Return to table
  5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table
  6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  7. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.   Return to table
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Last update: April 30, 2010