I have a problem with my bank. How do I file a complaint against it?

The Federal Reserve urges you to file a complaint if you think a bank has been unfair or misleading, discriminated against you in lending, or violated a federal consumer protection law or regulation. You can file a complaint online through the Federal Reserve's Consumer Complaint Form.

You can also call or email Federal Reserve Consumer Help, the System's central repository for consumer complaints and inquiries, and they will walk you through the process of filing a complaint and answer any questions you might have.

Although the Federal Reserve looks into every complaint that involves banks it regulates, it does not have the authority to resolve every problem. There are several federal agencies who handle complaints about banks and other financial institutions, so the Federal Reserve may connect you with or forward your complaint to another federal regulator.

Related Information

Find out who regulates your bank: FFIEC's Consumer Help Center

Federal Reserve Consumer Help

View a sample complaint letter/email

Federal agency complaint contacts

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Last Update: August 02, 2013