All Questions
- What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the circulation of coins?
- What should I do if I have damaged or mutilated currency?
- Is the Federal Reserve aware of ongoing payment delays for consumers and businesses that started on November 3, 2023?
- What is the FedNow® Service?
- Is the FedNow Service replacing cash? Is it a central bank digital currency?
- Is the Federal Reserve headquarters under construction?
- What is a Central Bank Digital Currency?
- What is the role of Board members when the Federal Reserve Board issues a regulation?
- How does the Board revise a regulation?
- What specific steps does the Board take to issue a regulation?
- What is a regulation and how is it made?
- What is financial stability?
- What is macroeconomics?
- Does the Federal Reserve maintain accounts for individuals? Can individuals use such accounts to pay bills and get money?
- What is aggregate demand?
- Does the Federal Reserve tell the public what it holds on its balance sheet?
- Is the Fed’s emergency lending audited by the Congress? Is information about the Fed’s emergency lending provided to the public?
- How can I learn more about the securities the Federal Reserve owns and the loans it makes to financial institutions?
- Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings are not open to the public, so how do I know what the FOMC is doing?
- Who is on the Federal Open Market Committee?
- What is the Federal Open Market Committee?
- What is the Summary of Economic Projections?
- What are the Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee?
- What is the Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy, and why does the Federal Open Market Committee publish it?
- What is the basic legal framework that determines the conduct of monetary policy?
- What is the prime rate, and does the Federal Reserve set the prime rate?
- How is the Federal Reserve System structured?
- How is a Federal Reserve Bank president selected?
- How does the globalization of financial markets affect the ability of the Federal Reserve to promote macroeconomic and financial stability?
- How does the Federal Reserve affect inflation and employment?
- What is forward guidance, and how is it used in the Federal Reserve's monetary policy?
- How can I comment on a regulatory proposal?
- What is the FOMC and when does it meet?
- How does the Federal Reserve cooperate with foreign policymakers to promote economic growth and financial stability?
- How do I determine if a banknote is genuine? What should I do if I think I have a counterfeit note?
- I received a suspicious-looking e-mail that claims to be from the Federal Reserve. Is it a scam?
- How can I start a bank?
- What is the money supply? Is it important?
- Is the Federal Reserve aware of the challenges that I and others in my community face? Does the Federal Reserve take these issues into account when developing national policy?
- What is the lowest level of unemployment that the U.S. economy can sustain?
- How does the Federal Reserve's buying and selling of securities relate to the borrowing decisions of the federal government?
- What does the Federal Reserve mean when it says monetary policy is “accommodative” or “restrictive”?
- Who are the members of the Federal Reserve Board, and how are they selected?
- Is the Federal Reserve accountable to anyone?
- Why does the Federal Reserve lend money to banks?
- What is the difference between a bank’s liquidity and its capital?
- Why has the size of the Federal Reserve’s balance changed over time?
- How much U.S. currency is in circulation?
- What is inflation and how does the Federal Reserve evaluate changes in the rate of inflation?
- How does the Federal Reserve Board determine how much currency to order each year?
- What does it mean that the Federal Reserve is "independent within the government"?
- How long is the lifespan of U.S. paper money?
- Why does the Federal Reserve pay banks interest?
- What is the process for reappointing Reserve Bank presidents?
- Why do interest rates matter?
- How much does it cost to produce currency and coin?
- Is U.S. currency still backed by gold?
- How does the foreign exchange value of the dollar relate to Federal Reserve policy?
- Does the Federal Reserve ever get audited?
- Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold?
- Who owns the Federal Reserve?
- Is the Federal Reserve Act going to expire?
- Which denominations of currency does the Federal Reserve issue?
- What is the purpose of the Federal Reserve System?
- What is the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy, and how are they related?
- Why does the United States periodically redesign its currency?
- Do I have to trade in my old-design notes when a new one begins circulating?
- Is it legal for a business in the United States to refuse cash as a form of payment?
- Why does the Federal Reserve aim for inflation of 2 percent over the longer run?
- I have a problem with my bank. How do I file a complaint against it?
- Why is it important to separate Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions from political influence?
- Are the Reserve Banks' boards of directors involved in banking supervision matters?
- How can I request to have a Board member speak at an event?
- What economic goals does the Federal Reserve seek to achieve through its monetary policy?