About the Fed
- Is the Federal Reserve headquarters under construction?
- How is the Federal Reserve System structured?
- How can I request to have a Board member speak at an event?
- Who are the members of the Federal Reserve Board, and how are they selected?
- Is the Federal Reserve accountable to anyone?
- What is the FOMC and when does it meet?
- What does it mean that the Federal Reserve is "independent within the government"?
- Does the Federal Reserve ever get audited?
- What is the purpose of the Federal Reserve System?
- Who owns the Federal Reserve?
- I received a suspicious-looking e-mail that claims to be from the Federal Reserve. Is it a scam?
- Is the Federal Reserve Act going to expire?
- What is the process for reappointing Reserve Bank presidents?
- Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold?
- How is a Federal Reserve Bank president selected?
- Why is it important to separate Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions from political influence?
- Are the Reserve Banks' boards of directors involved in banking supervision matters?
- How can I learn more about the securities the Federal Reserve owns and the loans it makes to financial institutions?
- Is the Fed’s emergency lending audited by the Congress? Is information about the Fed’s emergency lending provided to the public?
- Does the Federal Reserve tell the public what it holds on its balance sheet?
- Does the Federal Reserve maintain accounts for individuals? Can individuals use such accounts to pay bills and get money?