Currency and Coin
- What is the Federal Reserve’s role in the circulation of coins?
- What should I do if I have damaged or mutilated currency?
- Is the FedNow Service replacing cash? Is it a central bank digital currency?
- What is a Central Bank Digital Currency?
- How does the Federal Reserve Board determine how much currency to order each year?
- How long is the lifespan of U.S. paper money?
- How much U.S. currency is in circulation?
- Is U.S. currency still backed by gold?
- How do I determine if a banknote is genuine? What should I do if I think I have a counterfeit note?
- Is it legal for a business in the United States to refuse cash as a form of payment?
- How much does it cost to produce currency and coin?
- Do I have to trade in my old-design notes when a new one begins circulating?
- Why does the United States periodically redesign its currency?
- Which denominations of currency does the Federal Reserve issue?